Monday, December 31, 2012

New Years

Ah, it's almost 2013, and thus we are given another reason to celebrate.  It's like a birthday for everyone at the same time...those of us who live to celebrate it have all gone through every month of the year.

It's also a time for resolutions.  A time where those of us that feel like it try to think of something to work on for the next year, and then make it our New Year's Resolutions.  So you are probably wondering, what are yours, Brennan?

I am not going to make any resolutions this year...and with good reason.  I've been through lots of hardship throughout the past year, and found that I held myself more accountable than I should have.  I took failure way too seriously, and it hurt me in the end.  And this is not just a recent struggle...I believe it's something I've had for a long time.

So this year, my resolution is basically not to have one.  If I were to make one, it would be to try and not beat myself over not being the person that NO ONE can possibly be.  No one is perfect, and I constantly need to be reminded that I can't be either.

So while you're going and thinking of what your resolutions will be this year, remember that you can only achieve so much.  Don't put yourself up to something you can't possibly succeed at.

So that was just me talking, but that's not the end of this post.  I want you readers out there to know something.  These words you see on this site, these thoughts...they were not edited.  I didn't look it over, check everything, or prepare it mentally.  What you see on this site is what's literally coming right out of my head.  I do this because it shows a side of imperfection, and sometimes even shows rambling and unnecessary words.  My goal with this is so that when you read these posts, you don't feel like you're talking to someone who has it all figured out, a great writer, or somebody of extreme importance, but someone just like you.  I don't want give you guys the feeling that I am better because I can write, or because I think deeply, or because I'm a Christian.  While I have these advantages, I also have many disadvantages, and in God's book, I am no greater than any of you.  In other words, I have no right to judge you.

Well, I think I've rambled on enough, and better start doing some other fun things.  Have a fantastic night all!

1 comment:

  1. If only more of your creed were to practice such restraint, or a better word would be humility. The heart of a child is stronger and better than one who has "wisdom". I applaud you.
