Thursday, December 13, 2012

1 DAY!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!


Alrights, so as promised, today I will be thanking all of you who are making this possible.

Mom and Dad: You both are probably who I need to thank the most for this.  Not only are you allowing me to essentially borrow the house for the evening, but you are also helping me fund the event despite me offering to pay for all of it.  Truly, thank you :) .

Raina: Thank you for allowing the females that are coming to sleep over in your room, because otherwise they might not have been able to come.

Lauren: Thank you for coming and allowing yourself to be pelted with questions and interrogated due to the fact that not everyone coming has met you yet :3 .

Alex:  Thank you for guaranteeing the bringing of Guitar Hero...we are gonna ROCK IT UP TOMORROW!!!

Mike: Thank you for being okay with not being able to come.  I really wish you could come, and I'm glad that you didn't take it personally that you couldn't make it.  Hopefully next year we can make it happen ;)

And finally...I thank all of you who are coming.  Every person that comes brings something to the party that no one else can bring, whether video game or personality.  Seeing the lineup, I have to say that this may be the best party yet!   I will see you all tomorrow!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I shall bring these video games at least; Dance dance revolution Mario mix, Fire emblem shadow dragon, pokemon white, dragon quest IX, Phantasy star 0, A mario kart "game" (we are going to need soda or anything drinkable, lots of it), and some board games including; Dominion, galaxy trucker, puzzle strike, and gift trap.
    I could bring some Cuthllu mythos games too.
