Sunday, April 21, 2013


Just a quick post.  I'm sure quite a bit of you have heard of this Anime convention coming up, which I hope to go to but not sure if I can.  However, I have a cosplay idea, and I want to know what you guys think of it.

Supposedly, Brea and Jenna have told me that I look like Eccleston, the 9th Doctor.  What do you guys think?  Could I pull it off, and should I?


  1. YES. Be Eccles and say "Fantastic!" :D

  2. Your personality is just too happy to b in his character.
    Otherwise you could pull it off.

  3. Go by demeanor, not looks. Makeup can change looks; it can't change demeanor.


  4. You would first need to watch all of the first season of Doctor Who to get more of a feel for his character but, after that you should be able to pull it off.

  5. You could probably pull off the look... I agree with everyone else that your personality isn't exactly very... Ecclesston-y. Though I think that as Aaron said, if you got to understand his personality a bit more, go for it!

    ...I say go for it anyways, but that's just because I'm a weirdo. :P

  6. YES YOU MUST FOR YOU ARE MINI-ECCLES! However, you act nothing like Ninth, so get that together, and watch Season One, for sure. Now if we could just get someone else to go as Rose... Oh well. But it'll be even better because I'm going as fem!Eleventh.
