Wednesday, February 20, 2013

My Thoughts: WiiU and other Next Gen consoles.

Sorry guys, this isn't the next story update yet, but it's coming soon, trust me.

Anyways, today I'm giving my thoughts and predictions about the next generation of consoles coming out. I'm going to start off today talking about the WiiU.

First off, I have heard before that some people thought that a whole new system, was stupid, and the tablet should've just been a new Wii Remote.  Well, granted, that's what they've advertised, but ironically enough, they haven't really advertised it's main capabilities.

You see, the remote isn't the only part of this system that's different.  The graphics got a MAJOR overhall, and I mean major.  If you look in stores, you can now get Assassin's Creed 3, Black Ops 2, and all kinds of high graphic quality games.  The WiiU has equal graphic capabilities to the PS3 and Xbox 360, probably more, actually.  And I've seen gameplay footage, these games are cheap cop-offs of the originals, they're the real deal.

Also, the internet.  The internet of the original Wii sucked, I believe we can all agree on that.  Way too glitchy, way too slow, and you didn't use it very often unless you were browsing or for Netflix (which somehow actually worked really well).  However, I believe that the WiiU will have changed that.  Dragonquest 10, the next game in the series, is supposed to an online game, where you buy the game, play a little bit on your own, and then the rest is online bits (kind of like Phantasy Star).  If they're planning on running whole online games on this thing (and now that I think of it's, Black Ops 2's online), chances are, it'll be a huge step up.

Now, I agree, the price is a little high, but I'm sure they'll lower it eventually.  When the 3DS sales went low, they changed the price almost instantly.  And sure, there aren't any fabulous games out quite yet, but we all know they're coming.  No one wanted to buy the 3DS when it first came out...we all thought it was too expensive and a stupid concept....THEN the games came out...and we basically taped our own mouths shut.  You have to remember that the majority of Nintendo's games they make themselves, unlike Sony and Microsoft, so you can't expect them to send out a major amount of games after just finishing working on a whole system.  Give them some time, the games will come.

Now, what about the other consoles?  Well...I'm honestly a little worried about the other ones.  More about Sony than Microsoft, but I'm kind of worried.

Sony has been doing some really stupid things recently, and I don't get it.  I'm sure you've heard of the PSP Vita that came out, do you want to know how many have been sold?  Less than 5 million.  In fact, the 3DS sales have over TRIPPLED the PSP in sales.  Also, not a single game has reached the 1 million sales mark, NOT A SINGLE ONE!

Why?  Well, let's look at the system. It's overpriced, has next to NO good games for it, and uses their own special kind of memory cards that are overpriced as heck.  In short, unless games start coming out for it (which they very well could), the system is ruined.

So yeah it's failing...and Sony is RESISTANT to lowering the price!  They lowered the price in Japan, but have REFUSED to in America.  Your system is failing...and you're not even lowering the price a little bit?  What on earth are you thinking?  It's $250, in case you didn't know, the same price as the 3DS used to be.   It didn't work for Nintendo, so why does Sony think it will?

"Yeah, but Sony's got good games!"  Well, don't give Sony too much credit for that.  We often forget while Microsoft and Sony have quite a few major games, they didn't make them.  Third party owners did, not themselves.  They're not like Nintendo, they depend on other companies to keep them going, and provide the systems to process their games.  

My biggest worry about the PS4 is something that the company appears to be thinking of doing...something completely outrageous in my Anti-Used Game Program.  Yup, you heard me right.  There is the possibility that Sony may make it so that once you buy a new game, it literally becomes hooked to you system.  Bring it to a friends house?  Nope, it won't play it.  Buy a used PS4 game?  Won't play it.  Now I don't know about you guys, but about 80% of my games are all bought used.  

Granted, they may not use it, and honestly, I hope they don't.  But they have to deal with something every game company does...the reason to buy the system.  Those of us that already own a system will obviously question "Why buy a PS4?  I already have a good game system, why should I buy a new one?"  Nintendo has been good at this in the past, using completely new concepts to interest customers.  Microsoft has done a good job too, focusing on their internet capabilities more than the other companies, and focusing completely on "gamers", and succeeding.

Sony just seems to be in the direct middle, trying to be everybody at once.  Nintendo comes out with a portable, Sony comes out with a portable.  Nintendo comes out with motion controls, Sony comes out with motion controls.  Microsoft focuses on graphics and internet, Sony focuses on graphics and internet.  They seem to always try what everyone else is doing, and while the PS3 was a success, the PSP and motion controls were both considered utter failures.  The PSP had some good games, and it looks sweet, but in selling and market standards, it didn't make the cut.  And as for motion technology...we pretend that never happened.

Now, as for the Xbox 720...I've got nothing.  None of my news sites have gotten much information about it. We know it's coming, but we don't know when it's coming or what exactly it is.  However, I have a little more faith in Microsoft.  While they don't make good games (may Rareware rest in piece), they can certainly make a system.  The Xbox 360 was phenominal, even I've considered getting one.

So, to sum it all up, I've got high hopes for the WiiU and Xbox 720, and hoping that the PS4 isn't a flunk.  Granted, the PS2 was the greatest selling console ever, but you can only bank on previous successes so much before people start getting bored and want something new and interesting.  I'm hoping it will be awesome, and I plan on watching the first display of the system ever today at 5 PM.  Show me what you got Sony!


  1. WiiU has Pikmin 3. The last Pikmin game was in the mid/late days of the Gamecube. It doesn't look bad by any means, other than plot, so WiiU is a prospect buy.

    On a double side-note, you forgot Phillips, and Rareware makes me think of cars.

  2. I still haven't bought a 3DS because the concept of it. A 3-D feature is useless for me, and millions of americans, since I see you are going with a american point only. The Wii U may have better internet, it may be able to be used as a portable and a console, it still doesn't give me enough reason to buy. The Next microsoft gen console is unknown, and if apple is going to make a system(doubtful) wat would we get from them? But, I hear that everyone may be switching to being anti-used games. In fact it partially is in this day and age. However, that all depends on the more moneyed gamers. As for me, a system that is against used games is not wanting me as a customer. Gaming may one day be a gentleman's hobby. However, back to the 3DS-I will NOT buy a system, unless there are at least 15 games I want for it, and the 3ds doesn't meet the quota. Remakes to me to piss me off, as I prefer the older game. Graphics do not make a game,nor additional features. That is just my 2 cents.

  3. The WiiU should have been something you could have bought for your wii to upgrade it. This would have reduced the price but, opened up more of a market. Besides that we could still play our gamecube games that way too.
    The 3ds is only $150 used now. The 3D grafics are sweet at times too, though your eyes get tired from looking at the screen at full 3D more easily. Just remember to take breaks when playing. Hell the game itself sometimes REMINDS you to do just that.
