Thursday, July 11, 2013

Ace Attorney: Andrew Dalmin

Chapter 2 Part 4

  Of course, I wasn't actually going to physically spy on Jenna.  Not only would that be quite creepy, it wouldn't give me the information I needed.  I didn't just want to know more about her, I also wanted to know her connection to Brea.   Eventually, I planned to meet with Jenna in person, and get it from the horse's mouth, but a little prior investigation never hurt anybody.
  I went to a nearby coffee shop, leaving Aaron at the crime scene.  I told him he could come with me if he wanted, but he said that there might be some clues at the scene left behind, and to go ahead and research Jenna without him.  Aaron may not be the brightest person I know, but he really does have a passion for his job, as well as a good heart.  And hey, in a place like this, those kind of people aren't exactly easy to find.
  I sat down at one of the tables, but didn't order anything.  It wasn't that the coffee was particularly bad, I just wasn't in the mood for any, and kind of short and cash as well.  Instead, I opened my carrying case and brought out my personal laptop, "Buddy".  Cheesy, I know, but sometimes I feel like this laptop is the only true friend I have anymore.  
  It didn't take me long at all to find her on the internet.  TV reporters are fairly popular individuals, and the internet isn't exactly free of gossip.  As Aaron had said, her name was Jenna Wolf, 23 years old, TV reporter for the local news.  Most called her a fairly shy person, with quite the mature appearance, which made sense to me.  However, after searching for a little while, I began to understand that there was more to this person than meets the eye.  While appearing mature, she was actually quite an energetic person when not concealed by social barriers, quite childish even.  She had quite the interest in super heroes, a popular kid's show, a show about time travel, and lots of other things.  Interesting.
  For the next while, what I mostly found was more proof of things I had figured out, but nothing new.  That is, until I looked up pictures of her.  After passing quite a few pictures of her, there was one that caught my eye.  She looked much younger, and was playing with another girl at a school playground.  At first, I couldn't figure out why it had stuck out to me, then I took my attention to the girl she was playing with.   She seemed...a little familiar.  I stared at it for a few seconds, trying to figure out what was sparking in my memory, and then it hit me.  This was a picture of Jenna playing with our very own Brea.  I guess knowing her to be such a violent and scary person, I didn't expect her to look so cute as a child.   I smiled at the thought.  If Brea saw my face right now, she would probably kill me.
  Further investigation proved Jenna and Brea were obviously childhood friends, very close ones at that. They met in a elementary school which both of them lived by, and became friends almost immediately. Interesting, how such different personalities can create such amazing friendships.
  While it may have seemed like I had gathered all the info I needed, there was something that didn't make sense.  Indeed, their friendship was incredibly strong, but the evidence of that ends about three years ago.  It wasn't even subtle.  On their blogs, their pages, their info, all trace of one talking to the other ended instantly at that time period.  Also, I had never heard of this Jenna person until now.  Even though Brea and I weren't exactly close, I should have at least seen the two of them together at some point.  Why the sudden gap?  Did something happen between the two of them?
  I turned off my laptop and put it away.  There was nothing more the internet could do for me.  The silence spoke louder than words; both Jenna and Brea kept the answer a secret, and no one but themselves knew what it was.  I stood up and walked out the door, armed with new knowledge and a new mission.  Time to see how "decisive" this witness really was.


  1. This was a picture of Jenna playing with our very own Brea. I guess knowing her to be such a violent and scary person, I didn't expect her to look so cute as a child. I smiled at the thought. If Brea saw my face right now, she would probably kill me.

    Your right, she would kill you.

    Also, this is awesome.
