Monday, September 1, 2014

Ace Attorney: Andrew Dalmin, Turnabout Kittens

Turnabout Kittens Investigation Phase 1 (Part 3)

Fuzzycon Booth Room
April 29
7:35 PM

As I had feared, what had awaited me in that room was exactly what I had expected.  Everyone in the room had astonished looks on their faces, looking towards the middle of the room. Lying there was a man who looked about the age of 20, eyes and mouth wide open...lying completely still.

"Nobody touch the body or leave the room!"  I said, taking control of the situation.  "Did anyone call the police?"

"Y-y-yeah," replied one of the girls in the room, her whole form shaking.

"Good," I said, kneeling down next to the body to get a better look.  "What happened?  Someone tell me NOW."

This time a man spoke up, not as shaken as the girl but certainly affected by the situation.  

"I was looking for something to buy for one of my daughters when...that man suddenly fell forwards."

"Did you see anyone near him?" I asked, looking the body over.

"Yes..." he said, pointing at a female at the front of the crowd.  She slowly walked forward, bawling as another female appeared to be comforting her.  A quick glance revealed that they were definitely employees for the event, wearing pink and light blue uniforms with nametag hanging from their neck.

"Names?"  I asked, checking vitals to make sure the man really was dead.  No sound came from the girls.

"NAMES?" I asked more seriously, getting the attention of the girl comforting the other.

"O-oh, u-um...I'm Alina and this is my friend, Marsha." She said, looking as shaken as the rest.

"Relation to the deceased?" 

"Umm...w-we're partners."

So he did work there.  He wore the same uniform as the rest, but had no nametag around his neck, so I wasn't sure.  

"What happened?"

"I-it's just as the one man s-said...we were just talking w-with him, and h-he just...fell...over..." 
Marsha began sobbing louder, and Alina quickly returned to comforting her.  

Hearing police sirens, I quickly brought my attention back to the body.  It didn't appear to be bruised at all, there wasn't any sign of physical injury.  Beyond the missing nametag, nothing seemed out of ordinary...that was, beyond the strange smell.

"Everyone stay back; this is a poisoning!"  I said, standing up.   At first, everyone looked in shock, but then slowly everyone began backing away.  It was just then the door swung open.

"What's going o...Andrew?" resounded from a familiar voice from a familiar body.

"Hey Aaron," I said, greeting him with a nod.

"What are you doi-"

"Now is NOT the time."

"Oh, right." He said, running over to the body.  

Fuzzycon Hallway 1
April 29
8:00 PM

Apparently Jenna had been in one of the panel rooms.  Did she actually leave to find Brea, or just to stay a little bit longer?  Was the entire point of bringing Brea up simply to be a distraction.  Whatever, it's not like it really mattered at this point.  

After a quick talk with Aaron to assure him that I had nothing to do with the poisoning, I left the room and went to search for Jenna.  Now we were sitting outside, waiting for the police to be done with basic investigation.  A few minutes later, Aaron walked out, a depressed look on his face.

"I tell ya, it never gets easier, this whole death thing.  It's so sad to see so much death all the time."  

I nodded in agreement.

"What happened?" Asked a very concerned Jenna.

Aaron adjusted his glasses.  "It looks like a poisoning."


"Yup.  We're not sure what kind of poison they used yet, but we'll find out soon!" 

"It was definitely a slow-acting poison," I said, still trying to get all the facts in my head.

"Huh?" Aaron said, looking questioningly at me.

"From what little I gathered, he was talking with two of his fellow employees when he suddenly fell over.  They would've obviously noticed him taking poison in the middle of the conversation, so my guess is he consumed it beforehand somehow."  


"So does that mean it was a suicide?"  Jenna asked.

I shook my head.  "I sincerely doubt it."

This time, both Aaron and Jenna looked questioningly at me.  I sighed.  

"Think about it for a second.  If he had purposefully consumed the poison himself..."

Jenna caught on.  "Then he wouldn't have chosen a slow poison!"

I nodded, and then proceeded to straighten my hair point.  "Not only that, but there'd be no reason for him to spend his last remaining time acting like nothing was wrong and going back to work.  It still could have been a suicide, but I sincerely doubt it."

"Ah." Aaron said, ruffling through his hair.   "So why are you guys he-"

"NOW IS NOT THE TIME," I said, my face getting slightly red.  "What can you tell us about the victim we don't already know?"

"Oh yeah!" He said, getting back on track, "the victim was one of the workers here, a 23-year old man by the name of Maximilian Croft.  He-"

"Wait, MAXIMILIAN CROFT!?" Jenna shouted.

"Y-yeah..." Aaron said, both of us giving her a puzzling look. "You know him?"

"Of COURSE I know him!" she said, looking very upset.  "He's the voice actor of the main hero of Fuzzy Kittens, Astro Kitten!"

"A...Astro Kitten?" both Aaron and I asked simultaneously.

"Yeah!" she said, nodding excitedly.  "He can teleport and fly, and is the fearless leader of the kittens!" 

"Uh...Andrew...why are you-"


Suddenly, a policeman broke into the room.  After speaking with him for a few minutes while Jenna continued spazzing about Astro Kitten, Aaron rejoined the conversation.

" looks like you were right."

I nodded.  "Explain."

"Our forensics team found traces of poison on a letter we found on his desk, as well as the fingerprints of the person who probably killed him."

"Who was that?" Jenna asked, full of curiosity.

"Umm..." he said, trying to remember what had just been told to him.  "I think her name was Alina Sta-"

"ALINA STAR!?" Jenna shouted.

My hair spike immediately drooped.