I'm not talking about the 3D capability, I'm talking about 3D models. Until now, every main Pokemon game has consisted of sprites, even when they had the capabilities to do otherwise. Now, it's finally going into the third dimension, and I am really excited for that.
The Kalos Region
This is actually the first time I've ever been excited to see the next region itself. This time, instead of just making another region like the others, this one is based off of France. Not only am I interested because I've never been to France, but I'm interested to see the differences between this region and all the others. All of the other regions before have always seemed kinda similar, so I'm interested to see if this changes anything.
The concept of Mega Evolutions is very intriguing to me, and I am incredibly excited. To explain it simply, allow me to give you a list of Pokemon that are getting Mega Evolutions: Venasaur, Charizard, Mawille, Ampharos...notice a pattern? THEY ALL SUCK.
I'm excited for this, because most of the Pokemon that used to stink horribly finally have a chance to redeem themselves. Charizard lost his massive Stealth Rock weakness, Amparos has a furry coat, AND VENASAUR CAN SMILE AGAIN.
...ahem. Anyways, I'm excited. And yeah, some stronger Pokemon also got Mega forms too, but Pokemon actually made up for that. From what I've heard, the Lucario and Blaziken Mega stones are unique and hard to obtain. Granted, the Pokemon is still OP, but it's nice to see that a little more effort is involved.
Mega Venasaur
Wait...I covered this already...
This was a bone I had to pick with all the other games. In the older games, while you could choose to be a certain type of trainer, you only got a certain sprite for that kind of trainer. To me, that's like the kind of chat in certain online games where you can only pick from a list of words. It's pointless and irritating. Yeah, I could understand why they didn't in the oldest games, but by Black and White they CERTAINLY had the capabilities of doing that with little trouble.
But now, it's finally here. Your can change your clothes, your hat, and I think you can even choose your hair style. Neat!
Yeah, no, not really.
Fairy Type
Yet another thing they haven't done in awhile...a new Pokemon type! Supereffective against dragons, and gives poison another reason to exist! Pretty cool, if you ask me. There's not any specific new fairy types that have caught my eye yet, but that could change.
Breaking the Metagame
This is something that I was honestly hoping for, and something that I didn't think they'd actually do. While they haven't fixed it completely, they certainly have shown efforts of doing so. The new fairy type balancing certain types out more, mega evolutions empowering certain pathetic Pokemon, and some interesting new additions to the whole set.
This is one of my greatest pet peeves in the Pokemon series: lack of balance. In Digimon, for example, almost all of the Digimon are balanced. No Rookie is naturally stronger than another rookie, it completely depends on how well you trained them. Even the claimed "more powerful" Digimon still aren't much more powerful than others. You could use the lowest evolution level possible for a Digimon, and still have 999 in all stats. It takes work, but is possible, and it makes you feel welcome to choose any Digimon you like.
This is where Pokemon fails. Over 3/4 of fully-grown Pokemon suck. Either they have terrible movesets, terrible typing, terrible stats, or just terrible all together. I understand why: they're trying to promote certain Pokemon above others. The problem that arises is that there are so many Pokemon I'd want to use, but can't if I want to have any chance at all in serious battles. Venasaur, for example. I've always loved his design, and he was my first Pokemon as a kid. So when I got into the meta game, and found out he was weak to more than 4 different types...it was frustrating.
However, now Mega Venasaur has "Thick Fat". As silly as that ability sounds, it basically removes two of his weaknesses: Fire and Ice. The fact that two weaknesses were vanquished alone is pretty sweet, but those two happen to be two of most commonly used move types. Coincidence?
Point being, they are showing effort in balancing things out, and that makes me really happy.
That's pretty much it, and in my opinion, more than enough reason to be really excited. I'll make sure to post a review of the actual game after having gone through it. Seeya guys later!
3D- idc
ReplyDeleteKalos- Kanto much?
Mega Evos- Funny thing is... I'm only missing Kangaskhan as far as already using the Mega'd pokes... Yes, I use Mawile.
Venusaur- -_-'
Customs- idc
Story- Taser coming your way...
Fairy- More Eeveelution. Good enough for me.
Venusaur TF- No, that isn't coincidence; Thick Fat may have been given to MVen because of that, but Fire type moves weren't as OU as they are today until the gen of TF's release.
And the finale:
Broken Meta- The anime tried to overlook this part. The anime went downhill fast, though. Balancing the meta would be like saying "Okay, every class in Fire Emblem has the exact same caps." It doesn't work. Unpromoted classes in the GBA series (7-9 [Yes, I include BS Fire Emblem as 6]) had an equal potential setting (60 health, 30 luck, 20 everything else), but again, only for the UNpromoted units. Everything having and equal end potential is terrible, unless you need to work for an extreme amount of time to achieve it (DQIX) or it actually has an end limit (PS0). What you're saying is basically that Sunkern should be as good as Garchomp [or, if you aren't that insane, Dusclops (or, if you have some sense, Riolu)]. The also went to some (confessedly small) lengths to preserve a small amount of equality in the form of Slow Start and Traunt. They gave Shedinja death immunity (up to a certain point) and Shuckle terrible health with excellent defs. Blissey is powerful, but the moves SE against it are almost all physical. Checks and balances. If you truly want to use a poke, then wipe your opponent's team with it. Castform can be used in OU, if you try. Ubers Lumineon would be hard, but if you want to do it, there isn't anything to stop you from doing it. Builind a team around the pokes you want to use is what should happen. Unless you like too many. :P
Someone needs to make a Kaizo LoZ: OoT.
Also, no. I thought you were dreading the release of XY since the day it was announced.