Hey guys, how's it going?
Alright, well, as far as me getting back on here full-time, my expectation date has changed. Basically, don't expect me back on full-time until after school ends. I thought it wouldn't take that long, but that assumption was made during Spring Break. Now that school is back on full throttle, I have found that I simply cannot do as much Spanish as I had hoped to do.
However, my parents have seen my efforts at getting caught up, and now I am able to go on some of the time. Here's how it's going to go down.
Every week, from 11:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. on Saturday, and 3:30 P.M. to 4:30 P.M. on Sunday, I will be on both Facebook and Gmail. I will probably do a blog post on each day, as well as talking for the whole hour. If you wish to talk to me on either Facebook or Gmail, just show up in that hour, and I will be able to talk to you.
Once the school year ends, I will get my privileges back, and be able to hang out on here as usual. Beyond work, I am going to have a LOT of free time this Summer, so I have a couple plans. Besides the big one, I hope to have at least one sleepover a week (most of them will probably be at Brandon's due to game night XD). I will finally be able to take up the story again as well. I might get some work on it done during my hour on Saturday and Sunday, but if there's people to talk to, I'd rather do that.
My biggest plan however, is to game. And I mean GAME. I'm already constructing a list of games I want to beat this Summer, as well as obtain. I will be doing many more game reviews than before, and such. I have a couple planned already, such as Ninja Gaiden for the NES, Monster Hunter Ultimate 3 for the WiiU and 3DS, and Picdun 2: Witch's Curse, a 3DS Download (gonna have a lot of fun with that one...).
Anyways, that's my plan. I hope you all have a great week, and I hope to talk to you soon!
I starting to think you were dead or something.