This was obviously because I'm a jerk, and I LOVE leaving cliffhangers (evident in both my stories and my posts). I'm sure some of you got this right away, but others probably didn't. For those of you that didn't, allow me to explain it for you.
Last summer, something interesting happened. I can't remember what month it was, but I remember that I had almost absolutely nowhere to go. No game nights were near, no hangouts, nothing. So, completely out of the random, I decided "hey, why don't I have a huge party"? And so I did. We had a huge party, just like my birthday parties, only this time, for absolutely no reason other than to have one.
Well, this year, I've decided to do it again. I admit, it may seem a little early to be mentioning it, but you have to remember, I generally start planning these things about 3 months ahead of time. It's almost April, and these next couple months are going to pass by FAST. So it would be best if we started planning things now.
The main change for this event than usual is the date setup. Unlike before where I had a specific day to do it on, this time, I have no specific date planned yet. My goal is to do it at a time where the most people can show up. Granted, most of my friends are almost never busy in the summer, but I know a couple of them have complex schedules. I will speak with those specific people, and get a specific date eventually.
Other than that, this is no different from my Birthday parties, besides not involving my birthday. There will be lots of pizza, lots of soda, and lots of video games and fun. There will be a couple planned events as usual, and since it will be summer, I plan on some different activities (one specific different one at least). I don't know the theme yet, but it will be coming, I'm sure.
One of my greatest hopes is to finally record some of the stuff we do. Every party so far, I've said I've wanted to do that, and well, my desire to do so is still burning. Especially after Aaron's...contribution to the last one, there are some things that happen here that DESERVE to be forever burned into other's minds. I have no idea how we would possibly do that, but who knows, maybe we'll come up with something.
So start working on your Pokemon teams, get some Super Smash Bros training in, and get ready for the next big explosion at the Malley house! Here's to hoping it's the best one yet!
"a couple of them have complex schedules"
ReplyDeleteBwahahahahahaha. I'm one of them, aren't I. I'm sorry. XD
Aaron isn't camera-shy, is he? :P
Aaron is not.
DeleteFor me, however... don't. I've successfully avoided the yearbook at my school for two years now.
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ReplyDeleteWill you finally face your predetermined SSB-B match?
ReplyDelete"Alright, a...this drawing." - Only saw it in email, and that was an easy cliffhanger to get over. But I did enjoy the opportunity to troll Aaron more.
ReplyDelete"I can't remember what month it was" May or June (I want to say the third Friday).
"only this time, for absolutely no reason other than to have one." *not going to troll at very opportune point
"a couple of them have complex schedules" Always, because never, right?
"One of my greatest hopes is to finally record some of the stuff we do. (sic) I have no idea" I know, right?
"Aaron's...contribution" n/c
I missed the last explosion at your house, though...
Perhaps this time I can pull out some of my board games and play them this time.