But today, my first day in the program, my hopes got more than a little downgraded. I began reading the instructions, when my eyes passed THIS sentence.
"When submitting an homework assignment you will see it an item that looks like THIS assignment. It has a title that is the link to the gradebook and below the directions."
All of that seems okay...but wait, WHAT!? "You will see IT an item?" WHAT!? "And below the directions?" WHAT!? Keep reading, it gets better.
"Now, click on the link and attach your document. Please also enter any additional comments that you may have about this assignment that your isntructor may wish to know"
I mean, Wow! Really? REALLY? I can write better than this! I mean, I would understand if there was a letter or two missing here and there, but there are entire WORDS missing here! Entire words missing on important school instruction. Great.
So I emailed the teacher about it, and am waiting for a response. I'm sure things will become clear eventually, but I sure hope something like that doesn't come up again.
-ING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You missed another glaring grammatical error in this sentence:
ReplyDelete"When submitting an homework assignment you will see it an item that looks like THIS assignment. It has a title that is the link to the gradebook and below the directions."
It should be "a" homework assignment, not "an" homework assignment.
These sentences are severely messed up ._.