Just because I feel like it, I'm going give details on every character! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Brenn (Me, so he is AWESOME)
Okay, TECHNICALLY, his name is Max, but since he is you in the game, you get to name him, AND the name Max is STUPID, I'm going with Brenn, since that's me. Since he is you in the game, you can't remove him from your team, which is PERFECTLY fine with me. I already mentioned how awesome he looks and is, so if you want to know, go back and read the post before this one. In fact, if you haven't read that yet, go do it now. You heard me, right now. Now.
Lowe (Friendly companion)
Lowe is your best buddy, and loyal healer. His personality reminds me a lot of Sam from Lord of the Rings. Loyal, friendly, and always willing to help. You get him at the start of the game, and he will be your healer for a LOOOOOOOOOONG time. Though there are two other healers during this period, neither of them compare to Lowe. Once you get Torasu, it's your decision whether or not you want to switch. I'll explain him later.
Mei (Lady with too much lipstick)
In the beginning of the game, both the king of your land and your fighting instructor are killed. Mei is the daughter of the your instructor, and is REALLY upset about it. She joins your team out of desire for vengeance, and isn't too bad of a fighter overall. She gets pretty good defense for awhile. Eventually though, you'll need a spot for a new member in your team, and you'll find out that she's the weakest link. So long Mei, you fought good while it lasted.
NOTE: I should probably make this known right now. The horseman of this game are actually CENTAURS. You heard me correctly. There are no horse riders in the game, so there are centaurs. I personally like this idea. Very original.
Ken (the Centaurs that SUCKS)
I believe I mentioned Ken before (JUST READ THE POST ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!), and as said before, he is pretty bad. Well, allow me to explain further. He's not just pretty bad...he's a complete loser. Unlike the Ken in Fire Emblem, this Ken just plain sucks. I got rid of him as quickly as I could. His ONLY redeeming factor is that he carries a spear that can be thrown, but you can just transfer that weapon to another Centaur.
Luke (Small Tank)
Luke is one of my favorite characters in the whole game. He is SMALL. I mean, REALLY small. He's smaller than the DWARF in your party. You'd think he'd be similar to a hobbit, and be somewhat similar to a thief. THAT'S the irony in all this. He's not a thief...HE'S A MEGA TANK!!! He'll get hit by a Giant Axe, and will not even be fazed! It's hilarious, and makes him an incredibly lovable character.
Unfortunately, there will come to a certain point where you will only want one warrior, and the choice is between Luke and Gort. Unless you get really lucky with Luke, Gort WILL be better. I ended up choosing Gort in the end, and am actually sad about it. Perhaps next time I'll stay with Luke.
Hans (KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Tao (Speaking of killing things with Fire...)
Tao is the Mage you get at the start of the game. And yes, as the description suggests, she kills things with Fire. She is FANTASTIC at the start of the game. If you want to have three mages at all time, have her be the third. If you are choosing between her and Anri, pick Anri, but if you want her enough, she's not bad. Though frail, she will kill things when needed.
Gong (EPIC)
How would one describe Gong? EPIC is the only word I can think of. He is a healer that punches things. Literally. He PUNCHES things. He is one of the few you get that cannot equip a weapon. He is THE only HUMAN that can't equip a weapon. Guess what? IT DOESN'T MATTER. He gets good enough growths that he will become one of your strongest characters even without a weapon. Though his healing isn't the greatest, it still works in a pinch. In short, there's really nothing he can't do.
Gort (Gimli, son of Gloin)
Although he doesn't look like Gimli, I always imagine him to be similar. He has the same dwarf-like attitude, is elderly, and is a powerhouse. He carries around an axe like it's nothing, and pounds enemies into mush. He is the one I took instead of Luke, as mentioned earlier. Their growths are VERY similar, but Gort has slightly better, and turned out better in the end. Congrats Gort, you won.
Khris (....a healer)
Khris doesn't have personality, and doesn't have stats to go with it. A "healer" is really the only way I can think of to describe her. If you don't need her, ditch her.
Anri (AWWWW YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Anri, daughter of your dead king, and WICKED awesome mage. Her stats are very well rounded, and she learns some of the best spells in the game. When you first meet her, she doesn't really want to join, and is grieving over the loss of her father. After a battle or two, and some discussion, she finally joins in. She's the one I image to marry you in the end, though a marriage may not take place in the game. Keep her in your team, she's good.
Arthur (Ummmm....)
Part of the issue with discussing Arthur is that I never really used him. I got him, but kinda ditched him right after obtaining him. He's pretty average, apparently, and can learn some spells, unlike any other centaur. Meh, I don't really care. I'll stick with Earnest.
Balbaroy and Amon (Bird Brothers)
You get both of them at the same time...and they are both the EXACT SAME THING. Balbaroy is a little better, but they both have the same weapon, similar growths, and the SAME CLASS. Since they fly, they seem cool, but unless you're really attached to them, don't even try. They have NO attack power.
Diane (Skilled Archer)
The guide itself actually says that Diane is one of the weaker character, but ironically enough, my Diane actually turned out quite decent. She's better than Hans, THAT's for sure, but most people prefer Lyle because of his extra movement. Still, if you like Diane, feel free to use her, she's good.
Zylon (King of Epicness)
I LOVE the way the character guide put him.
"Runefaust knows how awesome Zylo is, so they made him psychotic to prevent him from joining you." This is actually very true. If you don't quickly run on to the next mission, you can use the Lunar Dew on him that you got from the previous battle, and he'll become normal again and join you. You'll notice just how wonderful he is right off the bat. Not only does he shred enemies to pieces, but he basically has the movement of a flying character (he can't actually fly). AND he looks WICKED AWESOME!
Pelle (UGH....)
Pelle is apparently a good character, but I HATED him. I never actually used him, but from the cutscene in which he joins you, you can TELL that he's a whiny loser. Although he does leave the army because he doesn't like the evil things they are doing, you can tell that it's more because "He just doesn't feel like it". Plus he just LOOKS obnoxious. Just...UGH...
Vankar (??????)
Vankar is the ONE person in the game that I missed!!! No, it's not that I didn't use him, I never got him to join my team! This time, I'll have you take the words of the guide, because I didn't get him.
"Vankar joins in the first Pao after being fired from his post as a guard. He is found between the wagon tracks after the first Pao has moved on. Vankar is a pretty good centaur. But I never bother with him because at this point in the game there are better characters to have."
Yogurt (DERP)
Every game needs a gag character, and Shining Force certainly noticed that. Yogurt is what you call ABSOLUTE FAIL. He's actually a secret character which you get part way through the game. Only, he shows up at level 1!!!! Not only that, but EVERY SINGLE STAT is too! Besides his movement, that is. He can't equip weapons, and he dies in one hit! Also, he is an infinite promote, meaning you can promote him from level 1, but it doesn't do anything! XD His class doesn't change, nor do his stats! XD BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kokichi (Proof that age doesn't make you less AWESOME.)
Kokichi is another one of the secret characters. He's an old inventor that created some sort of flying suit, that absolutely fails when you first meet him. You meet him later in the game, with his suit finally working and ready to join you. He is what Balbaroy and Amon DREAM of being. He's a flying character THAT ACTUALLY CAN FIGHT! And not just average either, if you keep him, he will become one of your strongest characters. Plus he has a cool attack animation!
Guntz (Armored-illo)
Guntz is an armadillo that wears a suit of steam-powered armor made by one of his pals. He is very unique, not just in this game, but over all games of this type. He works like the Knights and Generals in Fire Emblem (Slow units that have HUGE defense and good attack), but he moves almost as far as Zylo does!! Fire Emblem should've thought of steam power, it really enhances your mobility! Certainly keep him if you can.
Domingo (No words can describe...)
I heard Domingo was one of best characters in the game, but I wasn't prepared for what was to come. I can't really think of a single word to describe him, he's THAT AWESOME. To explain what he is, basically take Anri, and give her flying capabilities. Yup, Domingo is a flying mage. MORE LIKE A FLYING BOMB!!! He may look cute and cuddly, but he will DOMINATE EVERYTHING in his path. His growths are fantastic, and his spells are ridiculous! He is actually a secret character, so if you are going to play the game, look at the secret guide link below. I WANT you to experience the epicness that is a jellyfish.
Earnest (Centaur of Revenge)
Similar to Mae, he is a centaur bent on destroying Runefaust, but he's not like Mae. Earnest can actually fight in the late game! And unlike Mae, he's totally cool. He looks awesome, and his serious attitude is actually quite nice, since HALF of your characters are insane. Take him, he'll fight.
Alef (Ehhhh....)
Alef is a female fox mage that has mastered lightning magic. Maybe if you got her earlier in the game, but you get her near the very end. By that point, she really is no use to you, unless you spent an INSANE amount of time training her. Stick with Anri and Domingo.
Torasu (Lowe's Bane)
You get Torasu with Alef, but unlike Alef, he has something incredible to offer you. He is the ONLY character that learns Aura, the best healing spell in the game. Instead of regular heal, it has the targeting of a level 2 spell. In other words, it can heal multiple different characters at once. If you aren't to attached to Lowe, Torasu is MUCH better.
Lyle (Calm Centuar)
He reminds me of my friend Rob. Always cool, always calm, and always ready to fight. He actually uses a bowgun, making him very useful, as he moves really far as well as being able to shoot enemies from afar. Granted, he's not amazing, and can still be taken out of your team, but he's never a bad choice.
Blue (The Dragon)
Blue is one of the characters I actually feel bad about. I didn't use him when I first got him because I didn't have room in my team. Now though, I have room, but I'm so much farther in the game that there's NO WAY he can catch up. Fact is, he actually is one of the strongest of the game, and I completely bypassed him. He is a pain to level up, as even from when he starts he only deals one damage, but enough training and he becomes a dragon of might. Sorry Blue, maybe next time.
Adam (The Robot)
Adam is sort of my attempt at making up for Blue. Just like Blue, he's absolutely pathetic in damage when you first get him, but he becomes a defensive tank as you progress further. His movement isn't too low, and his growths are quite good, and he looks pretty cool. If you feel like spending your time training him, go for it!
Hanzou (Runefaust Ninja)
Hanzou is the last character you can get in the game, as well as a secret one. You find him in a bush in Runefaust near the end of the game. I actually haven't QUITE gotten to that part yet, but the guide says that he is pretty good, and he uses Ninjustu-like magic. Good enough for me, he's joining.
Musashi (The Chuck Norris of Shining Force)
Musashi is the BEST character in the game, hands down. He's a secret character that you obtain by reading a secret message posted on a wall. NO character has his damage output, NO ONE. Musashi is SO epic, get this: HE NEVER CUTS WITH HIS SWORD! All he does is shoot waves of energy from him sword, and that one-hit ko'd a BOSS! I can't even imagine how powerful his actual sword is. Maybe HE should've tried to take over the world. He probably would have succeeded.
And that's all of them! Here's my actual team, just to show you.

Left to right: Max, Gort, Anri, Zylo, Kokichi, Guntz, Domingo, Earnest, Torasu, Musashi, Hanzou (he will be in my team once I get him), Adam.
Oh, and here's the link to the secret's page. I hope you liked the post!