Ah, it's almost 2013, and thus we are given another reason to celebrate. It's like a birthday for everyone at the same time...those of us who live to celebrate it have all gone through every month of the year.
It's also a time for resolutions. A time where those of us that feel like it try to think of something to work on for the next year, and then make it our New Year's Resolutions. So you are probably wondering, what are yours, Brennan?
I am not going to make any resolutions this year...and with good reason. I've been through lots of hardship throughout the past year, and found that I held myself more accountable than I should have. I took failure way too seriously, and it hurt me in the end. And this is not just a recent struggle...I believe it's something I've had for a long time.
So this year, my resolution is basically not to have one. If I were to make one, it would be to try and not beat myself over not being the person that NO ONE can possibly be. No one is perfect, and I constantly need to be reminded that I can't be either.
So while you're going and thinking of what your resolutions will be this year, remember that you can only achieve so much. Don't put yourself up to something you can't possibly succeed at.
So that was just me talking, but that's not the end of this post. I want you readers out there to know something. These words you see on this site, these thoughts...they were not edited. I didn't look it over, check everything, or prepare it mentally. What you see on this site is what's literally coming right out of my head. I do this because it shows a side of imperfection, and sometimes even shows rambling and unnecessary words. My goal with this is so that when you read these posts, you don't feel like you're talking to someone who has it all figured out, a great writer, or somebody of extreme importance, but someone just like you. I don't want give you guys the feeling that I am better because I can write, or because I think deeply, or because I'm a Christian. While I have these advantages, I also have many disadvantages, and in God's book, I am no greater than any of you. In other words, I have no right to judge you.
Well, I think I've rambled on enough, and better start doing some other fun things. Have a fantastic night all!
Monday, December 31, 2012
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Hey guys, long time no see, eh?
Alright, I guess I better get the unfortunate news out of the way, so let's do it. Lauren and I have talked recently, and she doesn't currently feel comfortable being in a relationship right now. She had quite logical reasons, and if that's what she wants, I'm perfectly okay with that. So yeah, I'm staying single for now. But enough about that, I better get on the main point of today.
Today, I want to talk about something I've been thinking about recently: Recklessness. Why? Because I kind of am. In video games, board games, and life, I charge into things without thinking first quite often. It's a personality trait of mine, I believe, and I've noticed myself doing it quite a bit.
And yet, recently I've noticed something. I'm a reckless fighter, and yet I seem to win a lot in both arguments and video games. It made me quite curious...how could being reckless give me an advantage. That's when I started taking a different look on the matter, and that's when I realized something. There is an advantage to recklessness.
In fact, being reckless is basically a strategy, if you view it in that sense? Why? Well, it's not so much to do with yourself as it does your opponent. Everyone wears down eventually, no one can keep going forever. You only have so much energy, so much concentration, and eventually, it will give out. If you begin wearing down before your opponent, if they are good enough, they will beat you.
That's the advantage of recklessness. Constantly, attacking, never stopping, even if you get hurt in the process. While it doesn't always work, and can easily backfire, if you can do it for long enough, it pays. When under constant attack, you begin to lose focus and concentration, much faster than usual. It's not just focusing, it's an emotional issue. No one likes to feel like they are under attack, and it can be emotionally draining.
Getting to the point, being reckless wears your opponent down...FAST. I have learned this from fighting in Super Smash Bros, participating in arguments, and many other circumstances. And I have learned that I do it well. This mainly began to occur to me when I realized that I tend to be losing at the start, and yet generally get the upper hand near the end. Now, this doesn't always work, as mentioned before. If they have a strong enough will, or are just way too much better than you, doing things this way will hurt you more than it will do good.
So for those of you who are told you are a reckless person, take heart in the fact that it's not entirely a bad thing. There are quite a few advantages, if you realize them, and learn to improve on them.
Alright, I guess I better get the unfortunate news out of the way, so let's do it. Lauren and I have talked recently, and she doesn't currently feel comfortable being in a relationship right now. She had quite logical reasons, and if that's what she wants, I'm perfectly okay with that. So yeah, I'm staying single for now. But enough about that, I better get on the main point of today.
Today, I want to talk about something I've been thinking about recently: Recklessness. Why? Because I kind of am. In video games, board games, and life, I charge into things without thinking first quite often. It's a personality trait of mine, I believe, and I've noticed myself doing it quite a bit.
And yet, recently I've noticed something. I'm a reckless fighter, and yet I seem to win a lot in both arguments and video games. It made me quite curious...how could being reckless give me an advantage. That's when I started taking a different look on the matter, and that's when I realized something. There is an advantage to recklessness.
In fact, being reckless is basically a strategy, if you view it in that sense? Why? Well, it's not so much to do with yourself as it does your opponent. Everyone wears down eventually, no one can keep going forever. You only have so much energy, so much concentration, and eventually, it will give out. If you begin wearing down before your opponent, if they are good enough, they will beat you.
That's the advantage of recklessness. Constantly, attacking, never stopping, even if you get hurt in the process. While it doesn't always work, and can easily backfire, if you can do it for long enough, it pays. When under constant attack, you begin to lose focus and concentration, much faster than usual. It's not just focusing, it's an emotional issue. No one likes to feel like they are under attack, and it can be emotionally draining.
Getting to the point, being reckless wears your opponent down...FAST. I have learned this from fighting in Super Smash Bros, participating in arguments, and many other circumstances. And I have learned that I do it well. This mainly began to occur to me when I realized that I tend to be losing at the start, and yet generally get the upper hand near the end. Now, this doesn't always work, as mentioned before. If they have a strong enough will, or are just way too much better than you, doing things this way will hurt you more than it will do good.
So for those of you who are told you are a reckless person, take heart in the fact that it's not entirely a bad thing. There are quite a few advantages, if you realize them, and learn to improve on them.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Days of Ruin
Today, I am actually speaking of a post from awhile previous.

Yup, the Advance War post. I stand by what I said then, and I really do think that people need to worry less about the violence in video games.
However, someone later asked me about Days of Ruin, asking why I didn't like it. Today, I am talking about Days of Ruin.
Let me start of with saying that I do like Days of Ruin. It is a fun game, the story change was better, and I did enjoy it overall. However, I like the previous games better, and I will explain why.
The Feel
As I said in my other post, one of the things I loved most about Advance Wars was it's unique and cheery enviroment. The happy music, the cartoonish characters and landscape, it was quite unique for a war strategy game. And yet it worked, quite awesomely, in fact. Not only did it have it's own unique feel, but it made it feel just like what it is: a game. You didn't feel like you were sending people to their deaths, you felt like you were just playing a game of check. The characters looked like toys, they might have even been toys! It was all fun and games, and I loved it.
Days of Ruin COMPLETELY changed that. Now, mind you, I can understand people getting upset by the whole positive attitude, but remember, kids are the ones playing these games, not the veterans that would be getting offended by it. I guess it makes sense in the end, but it really took a LOT out of the game. It lost ALL of it's cheery feel. All of it. They made the music all serious, completely changed the art, and took the story in a very VERY dark direction. The story was cool, I'll give it that, but it lost so much more.
The Co and Co Power
They changed an entire gameplay aspect for this game. My guess is that it was an attempt to remove the brokeness of some of the Cos from the other games and to give it a more realistic aspect. And I thought it was pretty cool. Now the only units affected were ones by your actual guy on the battlefield. Makes sense, and gives you more of a feel of "I'm fighting with my team"!
The problem? The Cos. They dropped the number of Cos SEVERELY, and there may have been less than there were in the FIRST game. The first problem with this playing with different characters. I like trying out different Cos, and seeing how they differ. With so few Cos...there's not many to choose from. Choosing a favorite isn't a long testing process, it's a five second decision. Not only that, but some of the Cos have similar Co Powers, making the differences even smaller!
And the worst part is...they didn't cure the brokeness. Isabella makes two other Cos completely pointless because she has BOTH of their Co Powers combined into one! The main villain and his oldest daughter are so much stronger than the others that they are generally considered banned, thus lowering options even FURTHER.
Point is, if you really like one of the Cos, that's great! You got lucky! But for me, none really stuck out, which is completely understandable seeing the lack of choices as it is. For you, it may not be so bad, but for me, it was unfortunate.
Okay, I HAVE to admit, the music for this game is pretty good...and it's almost unfortunate. Listening to it is almost a reminder that this is not the cheery, happy music from the game I once loved, this is the serious, depressing music from Days of Ruin. Yeh.
The Neo Tank
We are here today...to mourn the passing of a great tank. A tank...that could take out medium tanks like flies...and still move. A tank...that could destroy almost anything...and not run out of oil. A tank...that looked like it was from freaking OUTER SPACE. A tank...that had all of that...and yet was still affordable without spamming Hachi. Oh wonderful Neo Tank, how we will greatly miss thee. I will always cherish using you in Dual Strike *sniff*
It may sound like I'm bashing it, and I probably am. It's not because I hate it. As I said before, it's still a good game, in it's own right. If this was the first of its kind, I would've been fine with it. But to have come from such a great idea, and then to go so low...I just can't help but be upset. Granted, Dual Strike had its broken characters, but it had enough other characters to make up for it! THEY DIDN'T NEED THIS! THIS GAME DIDN'T NEED TO HAPPEN!!!
I really believe that there was some special reason they had to do this, or really, hope. Because honestly, this was REALLY stupid. They had something amazing with the old games, and they were popular too! It's not like the old games weren't popular, they had a good fanbase! Did someone literally come up to their door, point a gun at them, and threaten to kill them if they didn't change or something? Because that's the best reason I can think of for this amount of stupidity.
Yup, the Advance War post. I stand by what I said then, and I really do think that people need to worry less about the violence in video games.
However, someone later asked me about Days of Ruin, asking why I didn't like it. Today, I am talking about Days of Ruin.
Let me start of with saying that I do like Days of Ruin. It is a fun game, the story change was better, and I did enjoy it overall. However, I like the previous games better, and I will explain why.
The Feel
As I said in my other post, one of the things I loved most about Advance Wars was it's unique and cheery enviroment. The happy music, the cartoonish characters and landscape, it was quite unique for a war strategy game. And yet it worked, quite awesomely, in fact. Not only did it have it's own unique feel, but it made it feel just like what it is: a game. You didn't feel like you were sending people to their deaths, you felt like you were just playing a game of check. The characters looked like toys, they might have even been toys! It was all fun and games, and I loved it.
Days of Ruin COMPLETELY changed that. Now, mind you, I can understand people getting upset by the whole positive attitude, but remember, kids are the ones playing these games, not the veterans that would be getting offended by it. I guess it makes sense in the end, but it really took a LOT out of the game. It lost ALL of it's cheery feel. All of it. They made the music all serious, completely changed the art, and took the story in a very VERY dark direction. The story was cool, I'll give it that, but it lost so much more.
The Co and Co Power
They changed an entire gameplay aspect for this game. My guess is that it was an attempt to remove the brokeness of some of the Cos from the other games and to give it a more realistic aspect. And I thought it was pretty cool. Now the only units affected were ones by your actual guy on the battlefield. Makes sense, and gives you more of a feel of "I'm fighting with my team"!
The problem? The Cos. They dropped the number of Cos SEVERELY, and there may have been less than there were in the FIRST game. The first problem with this playing with different characters. I like trying out different Cos, and seeing how they differ. With so few Cos...there's not many to choose from. Choosing a favorite isn't a long testing process, it's a five second decision. Not only that, but some of the Cos have similar Co Powers, making the differences even smaller!
And the worst part is...they didn't cure the brokeness. Isabella makes two other Cos completely pointless because she has BOTH of their Co Powers combined into one! The main villain and his oldest daughter are so much stronger than the others that they are generally considered banned, thus lowering options even FURTHER.
Point is, if you really like one of the Cos, that's great! You got lucky! But for me, none really stuck out, which is completely understandable seeing the lack of choices as it is. For you, it may not be so bad, but for me, it was unfortunate.
Okay, I HAVE to admit, the music for this game is pretty good...and it's almost unfortunate. Listening to it is almost a reminder that this is not the cheery, happy music from the game I once loved, this is the serious, depressing music from Days of Ruin. Yeh.
The Neo Tank
We are here today...to mourn the passing of a great tank. A tank...that could take out medium tanks like flies...and still move. A tank...that could destroy almost anything...and not run out of oil. A tank...that looked like it was from freaking OUTER SPACE. A tank...that had all of that...and yet was still affordable without spamming Hachi. Oh wonderful Neo Tank, how we will greatly miss thee. I will always cherish using you in Dual Strike *sniff*
It may sound like I'm bashing it, and I probably am. It's not because I hate it. As I said before, it's still a good game, in it's own right. If this was the first of its kind, I would've been fine with it. But to have come from such a great idea, and then to go so low...I just can't help but be upset. Granted, Dual Strike had its broken characters, but it had enough other characters to make up for it! THEY DIDN'T NEED THIS! THIS GAME DIDN'T NEED TO HAPPEN!!!
I really believe that there was some special reason they had to do this, or really, hope. Because honestly, this was REALLY stupid. They had something amazing with the old games, and they were popular too! It's not like the old games weren't popular, they had a good fanbase! Did someone literally come up to their door, point a gun at them, and threaten to kill them if they didn't change or something? Because that's the best reason I can think of for this amount of stupidity.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Some Announcements
First off, I would like to congratulate someone. Aaron Connell, you are now officially part of the Guitar Hero band "The Double Dragons", composed of me, Ethan, Alex, and now you. Perhaps sometime in the future I can host a small sleepover with just us four, and we can rock it out all night.
Second, thanks to the generous presents from my friends, I was finally able to obtain Minecraft. And yes, it is both as obsessive, and as completely awesome as I thought it would be. I know I told some of you I was worried it would be all slow and stuff, but I am happy to say that it works perfectly fine, and I have been having quite a good time with it.
Third, apparently I won something. In Tech we were recommended to take part in a State-wide art competition between Schools, hosted by Schoolastic. I figured, "Why the heck not?" So I entered a poster I made in class for an Auto Show (apparently my teacher thought mine was better than most of the others that my class was doing, and was quite good), and kinda sat down and forgot about it. Well apparently I got a "gold key"...which apparently is a really good thing. I am now one out of 25 kids that have their entries sent to the official worldwide competition in New York, and have a chance at winning the whole thing. For winning the original one, I get a medal or somethin...I dunno...anyways, yeah, I did something, I'm in a big competition, and whatever. Moving on.
Finally, to discuss the next big event. I'm sure many of you are wondering about the big summer blast I had last year. Well fact is, I can't promise that. While I would like to, I apparently am getting more and more liked, and have quite a large number of friends. It's getting harder and harder to do these big events, especially since more may be in my future. Especially with the amount this year, I'm not sure my parents are fond of doing it twice a year. I will try, but I can't promise anything.
Anyways, see you guys again later!!!
Second, thanks to the generous presents from my friends, I was finally able to obtain Minecraft. And yes, it is both as obsessive, and as completely awesome as I thought it would be. I know I told some of you I was worried it would be all slow and stuff, but I am happy to say that it works perfectly fine, and I have been having quite a good time with it.
Third, apparently I won something. In Tech we were recommended to take part in a State-wide art competition between Schools, hosted by Schoolastic. I figured, "Why the heck not?" So I entered a poster I made in class for an Auto Show (apparently my teacher thought mine was better than most of the others that my class was doing, and was quite good), and kinda sat down and forgot about it. Well apparently I got a "gold key"...which apparently is a really good thing. I am now one out of 25 kids that have their entries sent to the official worldwide competition in New York, and have a chance at winning the whole thing. For winning the original one, I get a medal or somethin...I dunno...anyways, yeah, I did something, I'm in a big competition, and whatever. Moving on.
Finally, to discuss the next big event. I'm sure many of you are wondering about the big summer blast I had last year. Well fact is, I can't promise that. While I would like to, I apparently am getting more and more liked, and have quite a large number of friends. It's getting harder and harder to do these big events, especially since more may be in my future. Especially with the amount this year, I'm not sure my parents are fond of doing it twice a year. I will try, but I can't promise anything.
Anyways, see you guys again later!!!
Thursday, December 13, 2012
1 DAY!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!
Alrights, so as promised, today I will be thanking all of you who are making this possible.
Mom and Dad: You both are probably who I need to thank the most for this. Not only are you allowing me to essentially borrow the house for the evening, but you are also helping me fund the event despite me offering to pay for all of it. Truly, thank you :) .
Raina: Thank you for allowing the females that are coming to sleep over in your room, because otherwise they might not have been able to come.
Lauren: Thank you for coming and allowing yourself to be pelted with questions and interrogated due to the fact that not everyone coming has met you yet :3 .
Alex: Thank you for guaranteeing the bringing of Guitar Hero...we are gonna ROCK IT UP TOMORROW!!!
Mike: Thank you for being okay with not being able to come. I really wish you could come, and I'm glad that you didn't take it personally that you couldn't make it. Hopefully next year we can make it happen ;)
And finally...I thank all of you who are coming. Every person that comes brings something to the party that no one else can bring, whether video game or personality. Seeing the lineup, I have to say that this may be the best party yet! I will see you all tomorrow!!!
Alrights, so as promised, today I will be thanking all of you who are making this possible.
Mom and Dad: You both are probably who I need to thank the most for this. Not only are you allowing me to essentially borrow the house for the evening, but you are also helping me fund the event despite me offering to pay for all of it. Truly, thank you :) .
Raina: Thank you for allowing the females that are coming to sleep over in your room, because otherwise they might not have been able to come.
Lauren: Thank you for coming and allowing yourself to be pelted with questions and interrogated due to the fact that not everyone coming has met you yet :3 .
Alex: Thank you for guaranteeing the bringing of Guitar Hero...we are gonna ROCK IT UP TOMORROW!!!
Mike: Thank you for being okay with not being able to come. I really wish you could come, and I'm glad that you didn't take it personally that you couldn't make it. Hopefully next year we can make it happen ;)
And finally...I thank all of you who are coming. Every person that comes brings something to the party that no one else can bring, whether video game or personality. Seeing the lineup, I have to say that this may be the best party yet! I will see you all tomorrow!!!
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
2 Days!!!!
Hey guys, only 2 days left!!!
Now originally, I was going to spend this blog post thanking everyone who helped put this thing together, but plans have changed. Allergies seem to be messing with me today, and my mind is absolutely fried. Don't worry, this is the kind that will probably be gone by tomorrow morning, so it won't affect the party or anything.
The reason I'm switching post plans is that I want my thank-yous to be well thought out and meaningful. With a mind as fried as this...I don't think I'll do you guys justice. So, today I will be posting a much simpler post, and the one I was going to tomorrow. A Summary of EVERYTHING.
Time: The earliest you can show up is 5 PM, the latest you can leave is 12 AM. Show up anything between then you wish. My dad will be taking any that absolutely need a ride back to their house on Saturday morning around 10:30.
Place: My house (if you don't know where it is, talk to me and I'll give you directions)
What to bring: Any game systems you have that I don't, and any DSs or 3DSs you may have. Bring any controllers you can, and any games you think would be fun to play. Presents are welcome, but don't feel like you have to get me something. For those of you who are sleeping over and are male, if you plan on sleeping (for some reason that doesn't make sense in my brain), bring your own stuff. All females sleeping over will be departing to Raina's room at midnight (parental reasons). Other than these things, it doesn't matter.
Well, it's only two days now, so get ready for lots of excitement and awesomeness!!!
Now originally, I was going to spend this blog post thanking everyone who helped put this thing together, but plans have changed. Allergies seem to be messing with me today, and my mind is absolutely fried. Don't worry, this is the kind that will probably be gone by tomorrow morning, so it won't affect the party or anything.
The reason I'm switching post plans is that I want my thank-yous to be well thought out and meaningful. With a mind as fried as this...I don't think I'll do you guys justice. So, today I will be posting a much simpler post, and the one I was going to tomorrow. A Summary of EVERYTHING.
Time: The earliest you can show up is 5 PM, the latest you can leave is 12 AM. Show up anything between then you wish. My dad will be taking any that absolutely need a ride back to their house on Saturday morning around 10:30.
Place: My house (if you don't know where it is, talk to me and I'll give you directions)
What to bring: Any game systems you have that I don't, and any DSs or 3DSs you may have. Bring any controllers you can, and any games you think would be fun to play. Presents are welcome, but don't feel like you have to get me something. For those of you who are sleeping over and are male, if you plan on sleeping (for some reason that doesn't make sense in my brain), bring your own stuff. All females sleeping over will be departing to Raina's room at midnight (parental reasons). Other than these things, it doesn't matter.
Well, it's only two days now, so get ready for lots of excitement and awesomeness!!!
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
3 Days!!!
Ahem...excuse the random freak out. Yup, only three days now.
Now is when we start wrapping up the announcements and stuff, and actually get working on the preparations.
Today is about what I need from YOU guys. As you are probably aware, I do not have all the different kinds of systems, and certainly not all of the best games. Therefore, I'll take whatever I can get. Here is what I would like from you guys. Note that these are not presents or anything, just things I would like to borrow for the night.
Systems - PS3, XBOX 360, Gamecube
DS - If you have a DS, BRING IT. We have Mario Kart DS, and if we could actually get 8 people in one race, that would be AWESOME.
Controllers - Any controllers for any systems
Games- Any games that you feel like bringing
That's all! I mean...besides yourselves. Yeh.
Ahem...excuse the random freak out. Yup, only three days now.
Now is when we start wrapping up the announcements and stuff, and actually get working on the preparations.
Today is about what I need from YOU guys. As you are probably aware, I do not have all the different kinds of systems, and certainly not all of the best games. Therefore, I'll take whatever I can get. Here is what I would like from you guys. Note that these are not presents or anything, just things I would like to borrow for the night.
Systems - PS3, XBOX 360, Gamecube
DS - If you have a DS, BRING IT. We have Mario Kart DS, and if we could actually get 8 people in one race, that would be AWESOME.
Controllers - Any controllers for any systems
Games- Any games that you feel like bringing
That's all! I mean...besides yourselves. Yeh.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
4 Days left, and most of you know what day it is today...my actual birthday. Yup, I am on here typing at 12:21 AM because I could not sleep out of excitement for today.
So what am I going to talk about today? Me. While this may seem not surprising to most of you, it is to me. A year ago, I could not say the things about myself I am going to say today.
I Am Creative.
This is something I have always been aware of. I have been drawing since I entered second grade, and my love for it has never failed. And boy, did I have an imagination. All kids do at that age, but eventually the majority of people eventually lose it. I didn't. Today I still have this childlike love for stories and an evergrowing imagination that just wants to keep on creating more and more.
I Am Intelligent.
This was hard for me to understand for the longest time. While school was always pretty easy for me, I never really thought as myself as intelligent. Everyone else says that they are the intelligent ones, and for a person like me, it's hard to trust myself when everyone else says otherwise. But that is not now. More and more I get praised for my intelligence, and am told that I have some wisdom. While I still find it a little hard to believe, I can't help but wonder if that really is the case.
I Am Cheerful.
I have always been somewhat of an emotional person. Sometimes, I wonder if I kept my childhood emotions with the intelligence of getting older. I am always seeking fun, and find joy out of the smallest of things. I can easily get sad too though, mad, depressed, or many other emotions besides happiness. But one thing I have learned about myself is that I have a default emotion: Happiness. No matter what the hardship, no matter how depressed I feel, it will only be a certain amount of time before I suddenly cheer up again, and become the person that everyone knows me as.
I Am A Supporter.
One of the things I enjoy most is making other people happy. I love the smiles that come from their faces, and the feeling that I've done something to make them that way. And if anything begins to take that smile away, I try my best to bring the smile back.
I Am Corrupted.
When depression hit just about a year ago, I began to feel very corrupted. There were times I would wonder if I was demon possessed, and times where I could swear I heard another voice inside my head besides mine. It was an absolutely terrible experience...at the time. Now, I feel like praising the Lord for it. It was terrible, but my connection with darkness has connected me with others who have felt the same. There are some people that I never would have been able to impact without having gone through the experience myself and been able to understand their feelings. Through these dark scars I have removed the dark scars off of others, and I can't help but praise my Lord for them.
I Am Social.
I used to be very shy, but that was before my love for people overtook it. I am, without a doubt, a people person. I love people, I love hanging out with them, and I can't spend too long by myself. I can almost feel energy flooding through me with others, and I swear I become more athletic, intelligent, and an all around stronger person just being around other people. I can go without sleep as long as there's someone to talk to or play with. While my issues with trusting others complicates things, when someone has earned my trust, they can't get me to shut up. I just love being with you people.
I Am Curious.
Not entirely about everything. There are certain secrets in this world that no mortal was made to understand, and I don't wish to try. However, I ask questions. Lots of them. Why? How? When? Where? I ask them to try and gain as full of a grasp as I can on the subject at hand. Why are we going? How are we getting there, when are we getting there, and where is it?
I Am Different.
I am an odd person, there is no one like me. I have odd interests, I think differently than most, I have an odd personality, I am intelligent and yet clumsy, I am emotional and yet a man, I am a completely unique person. And that uniqueness got me bullied to kingdom come as a child, and shattered my trust in humanity to this day. I was different, and they hated me for it. Everything I loved and held dear was considered stupid, childish, and out of the question. I was an outcast, and no matter how hard I tried to fit in, I never did. But being different isn't all bad, because it means I think about things that you might not have. I often find that I am a good supporter partially because I bring up things to depressed people that they never even considered thinking about.
I Am Good.
As a middle schooler, I never thought this. Two years ago, I never thought this. Even a couple months ago, I'm not sure that I could say this with complete confidence. I think hard upon all things said, and I take complaints about who I am and what I do very seriously. In fact, too seriously. Over the last year, through the help of friends and my own personal thoughts, it has occurred to me that half of the scars I still carry were given to me by no one else but myself. I was beating myself up beyond reason, telling myself I was more terrible than I ever was. And the saddest part was...it could have been avoided. Had I viewed myself in a more positive light, I wouldn't have half the scars I have today.
This was a lesson I had to learn, and I want you all to hear it. Today, I am told that I am all these positive things, and one even calls me the best person on the planet. A year ago, I might not have believed that, but now I do. I do truly believe that I am a good person, and while I might not be perfect, I'm certainly not bad. I'm kind, caring, and have a heart for God, and there's nothing wrong with any of those things.
This has not just opened my eyes about myself, but about others. More and more, I notice others doing the exact same thing I did, giving themselves scars for no reason whatsoever. And thus, my drive to be the best friend I can be burns brighter than I believe it ever did before.
And now, it is time for me to finally try and get some rest. When I wake up, it will be to a day where I have gone through another year, and a day set aside for me. My hope is that on all of your birthdays, you treat yourself in the highest respect you can, because you deserve it. Your birthday is for you, and there's no sense in wasting it. Invite friends, make special requests to your parents, take time off of work or school, watch your favorite movies, play your favorite games, and take full grasp of just why God created you the way he did, and just how special you really are. Good night, and have a wonderful day!
So what am I going to talk about today? Me. While this may seem not surprising to most of you, it is to me. A year ago, I could not say the things about myself I am going to say today.
I Am Creative.
This is something I have always been aware of. I have been drawing since I entered second grade, and my love for it has never failed. And boy, did I have an imagination. All kids do at that age, but eventually the majority of people eventually lose it. I didn't. Today I still have this childlike love for stories and an evergrowing imagination that just wants to keep on creating more and more.
I Am Intelligent.
This was hard for me to understand for the longest time. While school was always pretty easy for me, I never really thought as myself as intelligent. Everyone else says that they are the intelligent ones, and for a person like me, it's hard to trust myself when everyone else says otherwise. But that is not now. More and more I get praised for my intelligence, and am told that I have some wisdom. While I still find it a little hard to believe, I can't help but wonder if that really is the case.
I Am Cheerful.
I have always been somewhat of an emotional person. Sometimes, I wonder if I kept my childhood emotions with the intelligence of getting older. I am always seeking fun, and find joy out of the smallest of things. I can easily get sad too though, mad, depressed, or many other emotions besides happiness. But one thing I have learned about myself is that I have a default emotion: Happiness. No matter what the hardship, no matter how depressed I feel, it will only be a certain amount of time before I suddenly cheer up again, and become the person that everyone knows me as.
I Am A Supporter.
One of the things I enjoy most is making other people happy. I love the smiles that come from their faces, and the feeling that I've done something to make them that way. And if anything begins to take that smile away, I try my best to bring the smile back.
I Am Corrupted.
When depression hit just about a year ago, I began to feel very corrupted. There were times I would wonder if I was demon possessed, and times where I could swear I heard another voice inside my head besides mine. It was an absolutely terrible experience...at the time. Now, I feel like praising the Lord for it. It was terrible, but my connection with darkness has connected me with others who have felt the same. There are some people that I never would have been able to impact without having gone through the experience myself and been able to understand their feelings. Through these dark scars I have removed the dark scars off of others, and I can't help but praise my Lord for them.
I Am Social.
I used to be very shy, but that was before my love for people overtook it. I am, without a doubt, a people person. I love people, I love hanging out with them, and I can't spend too long by myself. I can almost feel energy flooding through me with others, and I swear I become more athletic, intelligent, and an all around stronger person just being around other people. I can go without sleep as long as there's someone to talk to or play with. While my issues with trusting others complicates things, when someone has earned my trust, they can't get me to shut up. I just love being with you people.
I Am Curious.
Not entirely about everything. There are certain secrets in this world that no mortal was made to understand, and I don't wish to try. However, I ask questions. Lots of them. Why? How? When? Where? I ask them to try and gain as full of a grasp as I can on the subject at hand. Why are we going? How are we getting there, when are we getting there, and where is it?
I Am Different.
I am an odd person, there is no one like me. I have odd interests, I think differently than most, I have an odd personality, I am intelligent and yet clumsy, I am emotional and yet a man, I am a completely unique person. And that uniqueness got me bullied to kingdom come as a child, and shattered my trust in humanity to this day. I was different, and they hated me for it. Everything I loved and held dear was considered stupid, childish, and out of the question. I was an outcast, and no matter how hard I tried to fit in, I never did. But being different isn't all bad, because it means I think about things that you might not have. I often find that I am a good supporter partially because I bring up things to depressed people that they never even considered thinking about.
I Am Good.
As a middle schooler, I never thought this. Two years ago, I never thought this. Even a couple months ago, I'm not sure that I could say this with complete confidence. I think hard upon all things said, and I take complaints about who I am and what I do very seriously. In fact, too seriously. Over the last year, through the help of friends and my own personal thoughts, it has occurred to me that half of the scars I still carry were given to me by no one else but myself. I was beating myself up beyond reason, telling myself I was more terrible than I ever was. And the saddest part was...it could have been avoided. Had I viewed myself in a more positive light, I wouldn't have half the scars I have today.
This was a lesson I had to learn, and I want you all to hear it. Today, I am told that I am all these positive things, and one even calls me the best person on the planet. A year ago, I might not have believed that, but now I do. I do truly believe that I am a good person, and while I might not be perfect, I'm certainly not bad. I'm kind, caring, and have a heart for God, and there's nothing wrong with any of those things.
This has not just opened my eyes about myself, but about others. More and more, I notice others doing the exact same thing I did, giving themselves scars for no reason whatsoever. And thus, my drive to be the best friend I can be burns brighter than I believe it ever did before.
And now, it is time for me to finally try and get some rest. When I wake up, it will be to a day where I have gone through another year, and a day set aside for me. My hope is that on all of your birthdays, you treat yourself in the highest respect you can, because you deserve it. Your birthday is for you, and there's no sense in wasting it. Invite friends, make special requests to your parents, take time off of work or school, watch your favorite movies, play your favorite games, and take full grasp of just why God created you the way he did, and just how special you really are. Good night, and have a wonderful day!
5 Days!!!
Only 5 Days Left!!!!

Okay, I don't know about you guys, but I am PUMPED for this year's tournament. And I mean PUMPED.
Last year's tournament was decent, but not as good as I had hoped. We had an internet complication, Clayton didn't show up, and I failed miserably. My team was still under construction, half of the pokemon I used were members from my old team!
This year is different. Here's why:
1. We have Heath (Clayton's younger brother) added to the roster this year. (Don't worry, he's about Raina's age)
2. Clayton is coming.
3. My team has been FULLY prepared and ready for combat
4. There will be no online fights
Yeah, my hopes is that this tournament is the one that tops them all!
So, how do I think it will turn out? Who do you think will win? Well, that's the greatest part of this year. I HONESTLY have no idea. No one besides brother and sister knows each other's team, most of us have been training. While I feel confident in my own team, I have no idea what everyone else is going to throw out. So yeah...I have high hopes for this year!
Okay, I don't know about you guys, but I am PUMPED for this year's tournament. And I mean PUMPED.
Last year's tournament was decent, but not as good as I had hoped. We had an internet complication, Clayton didn't show up, and I failed miserably. My team was still under construction, half of the pokemon I used were members from my old team!
This year is different. Here's why:
1. We have Heath (Clayton's younger brother) added to the roster this year. (Don't worry, he's about Raina's age)
2. Clayton is coming.
3. My team has been FULLY prepared and ready for combat
4. There will be no online fights
Yeah, my hopes is that this tournament is the one that tops them all!
So, how do I think it will turn out? Who do you think will win? Well, that's the greatest part of this year. I HONESTLY have no idea. No one besides brother and sister knows each other's team, most of us have been training. While I feel confident in my own team, I have no idea what everyone else is going to throw out. So yeah...I have high hopes for this year!
Saturday, December 8, 2012
6 Days!!!
6 Days left, and today I'm doing a very special post. Welcome to Brennan's Guide to Shiny Pokemon!!!!

While it is very doubtful that you know me and don't know what a Shiny Pokemon is, but just in case you don't know, I'll explain it for you. A Shiny Pokemon is a special kind of Pokemon that has a different Color Palette than general.
Regular Shiny

Their stats are similar, they have no special moves or anything....so why are they so special? Well, it's their rarity, to be precise. Every time you meet a pokemon, there is a 1/8192 chance of meeting one. Yeh. They're rare.
Now, I am one of those who I call a Shiny Collector. I only trade and take Shinies, I only use Shinies, Shiny, Shiny, Shiny. Therefore, today I will give you the best methods for getting Shinies.
There is no easy way of getting a Shiny that you KNOW is legit. You can run around hoping that you get REALLY, REALLY lucky, but there is a faster way....through Breeding. Breeding with a pokemon from a different region actually changes the chances significantly. It goes from 1/8192 to 1/1365.3. Not bad, but you'll still have to be pretty lucky to get one. In Black or White, you also recve an Item known as the Shining Charm, increasing the chance by another bit. Add that to the breeding method, and you get about 1/1000.
Possibly Legit
The fastest way to get Shinies however, is through trading. Shinies have existed since the dawn of Pokemon, and after over 15 years of existence, thousands of Shinies have been collected. Whether through legit methods, events, or hacking, they are certainly around and about.
This is in my mind, the best and quickest way of getting them without straight up hacking. Now, some people don't like it because there's a "chance" it was hacked. While that was true, you GAVE something to get it, just like any other trade, and hacked Shinies are rarely hacked to extreme degrees, so you're still generally fine.
There are two different methods of doing this, both of which I will cover. Note that BOTH of these methods require Wi-fi, but Wi-fi is quite common these days, so it shouldn't be a worry.
GTS, the Global Trading Station. It's quite similar to if you had an account on ebay or something, only you traded instead of buying. You can post one pokemon at a time, and put a requirement for the trade, such as Porygon Z lvl 50 or something. You can browse and search for any Pokemon you've seen, as well as for specific levels, gender, or origin of that Pokemon. It's pretty sweet.
Now, as you can imagine, there's quite a few Shinies out there these days. Unfortunately, these are what I call the "Dark Days" of Shiny Trading. Why? You will notice that HALF of the Shinies you see will be asking for...Reshiram or Zekrom lvl 5?
Don't ask me HOW it started, all that matters is that it did...it sucks. It is IMPOSSIBLE to get one without hacking, and there is NO WAY to trade them! And yet for some reason, EVERYONE is asking for them. Yeh. It sucks.
But that doesn't mean there's no Shinies! If you look hard enough, there are still honest people around who actually WANT SOMETHING USEFUL for their shinies! Be warned, they will ask for decent Pokemon, but if you have good stuff to trade, you'll get them eventually.
GTS Negotiations
This is THE FASTEST method of getting new Shinies. To explain what GTS Negotiations is, it's literally more of a negotiating thing. Instead of posting and waiting for what you want, you go on, put a few preferences, such as lvl 50-100 or what, and whether you want to find Cool, Scary, or Strange Pokemon, and you are paired up with someone who hopefully has something you want. You both have your own PC Boxes open, and can offer anything from your own you want. You can trade as many times as you want. And don't worry, there's no voice chat or video screens or anything, just emotes, so there's no worry of meeting swearers or anything.
Ironically enough, the "Lvl 5 Failure" of the GTS has actually made GTS Negotiations the Shiny hotspot. There is about a 50% chance that, with the right settings, the person paired up with you will have at least a couple Shinies. Yups, Shinies are everywhere here. But there is always a negative with the positive, right? Well, if you want a specific Shiny, you'll have to try hard and hope, because you can't say anything specific, just use emotes.
Also, GTS Negotiations started a group of traders I call the "Shiny Traders". I am one of these people, to some degree. However, they don't just give out Shinies for any old Pokemon. They are giving their Shinies only for other Shinies, seeing if they can get better ones than they already have, using ones that are weak or that they no longer need.
The reason this can be a bit of a problem, is that there's always a good chance you'll meet one of these, and they will not give you Shinies if you don't have any worth anything. So, Negotiations is not for everyone. It's still the quickest, but if you don't have many Shinies, I recommend using the GTS first for awhile, until you get a bunch.
Fact is, Negotiations is AMAZING for those like me. Most of my Shiny Pokemon that I use came from Negotiations. While I've met quite a few jerks and stuff, I've also met quite a few trainers like me who simply want better Shinies, and I have come out of a single trade with 5 different Shinies before. If you have lots of Shinies you no longer need, and want new ones, THIS is the place to go.
And that was my guide for collecting Shinies. I hope all you Pokemon players out there find this useful. While Shinies are more difficult to get and even when you get the one you want it may have a terrible nature or something, it's worth the end result. I find great joy in the fact that every member of my team was found through much time, effort, sometimes trading multiple times to get just one Shiny. It's hard work, but the feeling you get is incredible. My entire team is only Shinies, and I am proud of that fact. I doubt I will ever go back to using regular Pokemon again, using Shinies is just way too much fun! So I hope this guide helped you, and have a wonderful day!
While it is very doubtful that you know me and don't know what a Shiny Pokemon is, but just in case you don't know, I'll explain it for you. A Shiny Pokemon is a special kind of Pokemon that has a different Color Palette than general.
Regular Shiny
Their stats are similar, they have no special moves or anything....so why are they so special? Well, it's their rarity, to be precise. Every time you meet a pokemon, there is a 1/8192 chance of meeting one. Yeh. They're rare.
Now, I am one of those who I call a Shiny Collector. I only trade and take Shinies, I only use Shinies, Shiny, Shiny, Shiny. Therefore, today I will give you the best methods for getting Shinies.
There is no easy way of getting a Shiny that you KNOW is legit. You can run around hoping that you get REALLY, REALLY lucky, but there is a faster way....through Breeding. Breeding with a pokemon from a different region actually changes the chances significantly. It goes from 1/8192 to 1/1365.3. Not bad, but you'll still have to be pretty lucky to get one. In Black or White, you also recve an Item known as the Shining Charm, increasing the chance by another bit. Add that to the breeding method, and you get about 1/1000.
Possibly Legit
The fastest way to get Shinies however, is through trading. Shinies have existed since the dawn of Pokemon, and after over 15 years of existence, thousands of Shinies have been collected. Whether through legit methods, events, or hacking, they are certainly around and about.
This is in my mind, the best and quickest way of getting them without straight up hacking. Now, some people don't like it because there's a "chance" it was hacked. While that was true, you GAVE something to get it, just like any other trade, and hacked Shinies are rarely hacked to extreme degrees, so you're still generally fine.
There are two different methods of doing this, both of which I will cover. Note that BOTH of these methods require Wi-fi, but Wi-fi is quite common these days, so it shouldn't be a worry.
GTS, the Global Trading Station. It's quite similar to if you had an account on ebay or something, only you traded instead of buying. You can post one pokemon at a time, and put a requirement for the trade, such as Porygon Z lvl 50 or something. You can browse and search for any Pokemon you've seen, as well as for specific levels, gender, or origin of that Pokemon. It's pretty sweet.
Now, as you can imagine, there's quite a few Shinies out there these days. Unfortunately, these are what I call the "Dark Days" of Shiny Trading. Why? You will notice that HALF of the Shinies you see will be asking for...Reshiram or Zekrom lvl 5?
Don't ask me HOW it started, all that matters is that it did...it sucks. It is IMPOSSIBLE to get one without hacking, and there is NO WAY to trade them! And yet for some reason, EVERYONE is asking for them. Yeh. It sucks.
But that doesn't mean there's no Shinies! If you look hard enough, there are still honest people around who actually WANT SOMETHING USEFUL for their shinies! Be warned, they will ask for decent Pokemon, but if you have good stuff to trade, you'll get them eventually.
GTS Negotiations
This is THE FASTEST method of getting new Shinies. To explain what GTS Negotiations is, it's literally more of a negotiating thing. Instead of posting and waiting for what you want, you go on, put a few preferences, such as lvl 50-100 or what, and whether you want to find Cool, Scary, or Strange Pokemon, and you are paired up with someone who hopefully has something you want. You both have your own PC Boxes open, and can offer anything from your own you want. You can trade as many times as you want. And don't worry, there's no voice chat or video screens or anything, just emotes, so there's no worry of meeting swearers or anything.
Ironically enough, the "Lvl 5 Failure" of the GTS has actually made GTS Negotiations the Shiny hotspot. There is about a 50% chance that, with the right settings, the person paired up with you will have at least a couple Shinies. Yups, Shinies are everywhere here. But there is always a negative with the positive, right? Well, if you want a specific Shiny, you'll have to try hard and hope, because you can't say anything specific, just use emotes.
Also, GTS Negotiations started a group of traders I call the "Shiny Traders". I am one of these people, to some degree. However, they don't just give out Shinies for any old Pokemon. They are giving their Shinies only for other Shinies, seeing if they can get better ones than they already have, using ones that are weak or that they no longer need.
The reason this can be a bit of a problem, is that there's always a good chance you'll meet one of these, and they will not give you Shinies if you don't have any worth anything. So, Negotiations is not for everyone. It's still the quickest, but if you don't have many Shinies, I recommend using the GTS first for awhile, until you get a bunch.
Fact is, Negotiations is AMAZING for those like me. Most of my Shiny Pokemon that I use came from Negotiations. While I've met quite a few jerks and stuff, I've also met quite a few trainers like me who simply want better Shinies, and I have come out of a single trade with 5 different Shinies before. If you have lots of Shinies you no longer need, and want new ones, THIS is the place to go.
And that was my guide for collecting Shinies. I hope all you Pokemon players out there find this useful. While Shinies are more difficult to get and even when you get the one you want it may have a terrible nature or something, it's worth the end result. I find great joy in the fact that every member of my team was found through much time, effort, sometimes trading multiple times to get just one Shiny. It's hard work, but the feeling you get is incredible. My entire team is only Shinies, and I am proud of that fact. I doubt I will ever go back to using regular Pokemon again, using Shinies is just way too much fun! So I hope this guide helped you, and have a wonderful day!
Friday, December 7, 2012
1 Week!!!!
Yup, only one week left until the event! I could've said 7 days, but 1 Week sounds quicker, so we'll go with that.
Unfortunately, I think I'm kinda out of tournament ideas and such. While I want to have lots of fun events for you to partake in, I also want you guys to have free reign and to do what you wish. I'm sure you each have different specific things you wish to do, so I don't plan on keeping any of you from that.
To end the events, here's a summary of everything I'm currently planning on.
1. Monkey Invasion: 2-4 of us will have a 10 minute playthrough of Monkey Invasion, where it's us four versus only monkeys on the hardest mode possible, and with miniguns as the only available weapon. Yeah...we're gonna die...
2. Pokemon Tournament: A tournament in Pokemon Black/White/Black 2/White 2. It will probably be the same style as last time, where everyone fights each other competitor once, and the person with the most victories wins. The prize is a choice Shiny from my stash (bar a few that I am not willing to give up).
Those two are the ONLY events that will be happening for sure. These next couple events I will do if demand is popular enough.
1. Brawl Tournament: A fighting tournament in Super Smash Bros brawl. We have everything unlocked, so come at us with all you got!
2. Mario Kart Tournament: Involving the DS, of course. First person to 100 points wins.
3. Majora's Mask Playthrough: If desired, I will play through the first part of Majora's Mask. It should take no more than half an hour to do, and it gives a decent bit of storyline.
4. Chaotic/Maplestory/Magi-Nation Training Game: For those of you who don't know, I am a HUGE fan of trading gard games, and have quite a few different ones. Don't worry about having cards or anything, I have enough in each of these games to create multiple decks.
5: Movie: If the group has a specific movie they would like to view, that would certainly be a possibility
And that's all of the possibles. If one or more interests you MAKE SURE TO TELL ME. It will not happen unless I am given prior notification so I can prepare for it. Talk to me, message me on Facebook, or email me, whatever you have to do.
Unfortunately, I think I'm kinda out of tournament ideas and such. While I want to have lots of fun events for you to partake in, I also want you guys to have free reign and to do what you wish. I'm sure you each have different specific things you wish to do, so I don't plan on keeping any of you from that.
To end the events, here's a summary of everything I'm currently planning on.
1. Monkey Invasion: 2-4 of us will have a 10 minute playthrough of Monkey Invasion, where it's us four versus only monkeys on the hardest mode possible, and with miniguns as the only available weapon. Yeah...we're gonna die...
2. Pokemon Tournament: A tournament in Pokemon Black/White/Black 2/White 2. It will probably be the same style as last time, where everyone fights each other competitor once, and the person with the most victories wins. The prize is a choice Shiny from my stash (bar a few that I am not willing to give up).
Those two are the ONLY events that will be happening for sure. These next couple events I will do if demand is popular enough.
1. Brawl Tournament: A fighting tournament in Super Smash Bros brawl. We have everything unlocked, so come at us with all you got!
2. Mario Kart Tournament: Involving the DS, of course. First person to 100 points wins.
3. Majora's Mask Playthrough: If desired, I will play through the first part of Majora's Mask. It should take no more than half an hour to do, and it gives a decent bit of storyline.
4. Chaotic/Maplestory/Magi-Nation Training Game: For those of you who don't know, I am a HUGE fan of trading gard games, and have quite a few different ones. Don't worry about having cards or anything, I have enough in each of these games to create multiple decks.
5: Movie: If the group has a specific movie they would like to view, that would certainly be a possibility
And that's all of the possibles. If one or more interests you MAKE SURE TO TELL ME. It will not happen unless I am given prior notification so I can prepare for it. Talk to me, message me on Facebook, or email me, whatever you have to do.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
8 Days!!!
We have 8 days left....and yes...I'm advertising again...but it has to do with the party!
(Button pictures are not equivalent to actual size, which is a little bit smaller)
During the party, I will have all three of these button designs available for purchase. It's only $1.50 per button, and you will get it right at the party.
However, there's a catch. I can't just make one hundred buttons to make sure that there's enough for everyone. I can only make them at Tech Center, and cannot just make a ton of buttons if I don't know they will sell.
So here's how it works. If you want one, two, or all three of these buttons, message me on FB or email me before the party. Give me which designs you want, and how many of them you want. I will then be able to make the exact number needed, and have them all ready for you when you show up.
So yeah, if you wanna buttons, contact me, and I'll get them for you. I will also accept any presents you get me as well XD
(Button pictures are not equivalent to actual size, which is a little bit smaller)
During the party, I will have all three of these button designs available for purchase. It's only $1.50 per button, and you will get it right at the party.
However, there's a catch. I can't just make one hundred buttons to make sure that there's enough for everyone. I can only make them at Tech Center, and cannot just make a ton of buttons if I don't know they will sell.
So here's how it works. If you want one, two, or all three of these buttons, message me on FB or email me before the party. Give me which designs you want, and how many of them you want. I will then be able to make the exact number needed, and have them all ready for you when you show up.
So yeah, if you wanna buttons, contact me, and I'll get them for you. I will also accept any presents you get me as well XD
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
9 DAYS!!!!!
Wow...I can't believe it's only 9 days...I feel so unprepared...I didn't even finish invitations this year...
Anyways, today's release involve a special someone coming to this event. Yup, Lauren's coming to the party! Therefore, for those of you who have not met her yet, I am giving you plenty of time to prepare a proper interrogation. And thus, I bring up some more rules.
1. Brandon, you are not allowed to troll her. You can troll anyone else, including me, but not her.
2. You are not allowed to make fun of us because it's my party, and I say so :P . HOWEVER, Clayton and Kaitlyn will be there, so you have my authority to make fun of them as MUCH as you please!
3. Michaela, please don't join with her and tag-team stubborn me...dealing with you is difficult enough... -.-'
Oh, and in case you're worried that she's too sane...just don't worry about that. All I'm gonna say. Now excuse me, I have to add extra support to the walls and ceiling in case Rine has too much sugar again.
Anyways, today's release involve a special someone coming to this event. Yup, Lauren's coming to the party! Therefore, for those of you who have not met her yet, I am giving you plenty of time to prepare a proper interrogation. And thus, I bring up some more rules.
1. Brandon, you are not allowed to troll her. You can troll anyone else, including me, but not her.
2. You are not allowed to make fun of us because it's my party, and I say so :P . HOWEVER, Clayton and Kaitlyn will be there, so you have my authority to make fun of them as MUCH as you please!
3. Michaela, please don't join with her and tag-team stubborn me...dealing with you is difficult enough... -.-'
Oh, and in case you're worried that she's too sane...just don't worry about that. All I'm gonna say. Now excuse me, I have to add extra support to the walls and ceiling in case Rine has too much sugar again.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
10 Days
10 Days left....so....
Monday, December 3, 2012
New Beginnings
As I drifted into consciousness, I had a strange feeling. The smell in the air seemed strangely familiar, and the noise seemed to bang against my memories. I sat up, and slowly opened my eyes. Still half-awake, my mind was still fuzzy, but I knew something was oddly familiar. As I continued to gain consciousness, I began to recognize more things. The blowing of leaves through the trees, the sound of several Pidove chirping, the smell of autumn leaves...I had been here before...but where is here? I reached back to scratch my head, and then stopped. The spikes on the back of my head were gone...
My mind instantly came to. The attack on Opelucid City. Team Plasma. The Battle. My Secret. I brushed my hair with my hands. How long had it been? Two years? Three years? I lost count. It had felt like a lifetime, I'm not gonna lie. Pretending to be someone else for a day isn't difficult, but two to three years? I had days where I almost wondered if there really was another me before, or if that was all somehow a dream, and I had always been this person.
Why had I done this? Oh yeah, Porygon Z. The ultimate program. I had to hide him, I had to protect him. If the government found me, they would have taken him, and...
"I see you're finally awake. I'm glad to see your 2.10965874 years of hiding didn't cause any mental trauma or other unfortunate side-effects".
I turned around, recognizing the voice that could only come from the one person I knew who could figure out such precise details. I stood up and instantly shook his hand.
"It's been a long time, Brandon."
"It could have been longer. But yes, it's been awhile."
I laughed. "You haven't changed a bit, Brandon." Brandon's face stayed the same.
"Yes, I don't really change. You on the other hand...you seem quite different."
"Well, I did just perform a costume change...."
"No, I meant from when I saw you last."
Brandon sat down in a nearby chair. "Last time we met was the day you told me you were going into hiding, you were incredibly depressed. In fact, you were that way for quite some time before that too. Ever since the final battle with that witch, you've been quite silent and down. But now, you seem just as happy and chipper as I remember you once were."
I stared at my hand. Yes...I had gone through a long period like that hadn't I? Brandon still looked like he wanted something.
"You hid something from me then, as well as you are hiding something from me now. When you told me you were hiding because of Porygon-Z, but I knew that was not the entire reason. Not just because you could have done it a different way, but because I could tell by your facial expressions, the paleness of your skin, and many other details that you were hiding something."
I sat there for a second, trying to remember my other reason. I looked down at my Pokeballs, wondering if the Pokemon inside them had any clue, when suddenly it hit me. My other reason.
"My other reason...was strength."
Brandon actually showed a little bit of surprise for a split second, then hid it quickly. "Strength?"
"Yes...even before that battle, something began to occur to me. Before, I was the Champion, and not just in the literal sense. I won in just about every battle I fought in, and was near unbeatable."
Brandon began writing in his notepad. "Yes, I remember that period. But then you became too predictable."
I nodded. "Exactly. That was the problem."
He looked up. "What?"
I sat down on the bed and relaxed. "I got too attached to my Pokemon."
"I had noticed it before...I would begin to cringe when my Pokemon got hurt, and have moments where I would constantly apologize for what happened...but then..."
"The battle with the witch?"
"Yes. When she turned into the being we call Death Arceus...I felt weak. Ahead of me was this gigantic being of darkness, something with the capabilities of taking everything I knew and loved away from me."
I hung my head down. "I noticed it as it happened. I sent each one of my team out, but at the same time, I felt like I was sending each of my Pokemon to their deaths...I would cringe at every hit, and even cried at a couple times."
"That's not too uncommon. You have quite the care for your Pokemon."
"Once again...that's the problem."
"Later...after the fight, I thought back over it. I honestly was a wreck."
"You are still not getting to the point."
"The point is Brandon, that I am the Champion. Townsfolk, Gym Leaders, and even the Elite Four count on me to be the best that there is. I can't be a Champion if I stayed the way I was."
Brandon stopped writing notes, put his stuff down, and stood up. "So part of your plan was not just to protect the ultimate program, but to regroup yourself, in a sense. You sent each of your Pokemon off in their own way, telling them to enjoy the rest of their lives as they please. Then you configured an entirely new team, and then changed your looks. It only helped your disguise, because not only did you look different, but you had entirely different Pokemon. Most would have assumed that you loved yours so much, you would never part, and thus did not even question it."
I couldn't help but laugh. "How did I know that you would figure it all out before I finished?"
"Because you have your head back in the game. As odd as this probably sounds coming from me, it is good to have you back."
"Haha, you needed someone to challenge your brilliance, huh?"
"You have no idea how tough it is to go through two full years of nothing but pathetic strategy. I almost missed losing."
"Whoah...that's not you at all."
"Yeah...I know."
Brandon stuck his hand in his labcoat pocket. "Now that you are back, I have a location on Team Plasma."
I stood up. "Really?"
Brandon rolled his eyes. "Who does not? They parked their ship in a completely unconcealed spot, in a popular area. Honestly...Cyrus had more reasoning in his crazy skull than this..."
"Gotcha!" I put on the jacket I always used to wear, healed my team, and flew off to the location noted on the piece of paper. Look out Team Plasma, Brennan's back again, and is stronger than ever!!!
Sunday, December 2, 2012
12 Days!
Yup, slipping this one in last minute.
This message is about the party, and it's actually a little more serious than usual. Today, instead of covering an event, I want to get something across.
As I've mentioned before, the majority of the people that are coming have gone through hard times. Being your host, I thought I should at least mention this. If you've been going through rough times, and wish to speak to others who understand, just come talk to me. I can guarantee that I can find at least ONE person who has gone through something similar to what you have, and will certainly be willing to talk about it.
Also, always feel willing to talk to me too. Granted, most of you probably already knew of that possibility, but I want to get the point across. As strange as it may seem, being the happy person all the time, I've gone through some PRETTY rough times myself. I have dealt with depression, darkness, and all of that crap. And trust me, I will be willing to drop whatever I am doing to help. It's the least I can do for all of you who listened to my voice and were willing to have me as a friend.
This message is about the party, and it's actually a little more serious than usual. Today, instead of covering an event, I want to get something across.
As I've mentioned before, the majority of the people that are coming have gone through hard times. Being your host, I thought I should at least mention this. If you've been going through rough times, and wish to speak to others who understand, just come talk to me. I can guarantee that I can find at least ONE person who has gone through something similar to what you have, and will certainly be willing to talk about it.
Also, always feel willing to talk to me too. Granted, most of you probably already knew of that possibility, but I want to get the point across. As strange as it may seem, being the happy person all the time, I've gone through some PRETTY rough times myself. I have dealt with depression, darkness, and all of that crap. And trust me, I will be willing to drop whatever I am doing to help. It's the least I can do for all of you who listened to my voice and were willing to have me as a friend.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
13 Days!
Alright, we have 13 Days left, and today I'm actually posting an advertisement.
I have made my own button! That's right, I'm selling my own buttons! I made these through my tech center class, and we're selling them so our class has funds. I'm selling them for $ 1.50 each (although if you wish to pay me more, you are TOTALLY free to XD). If you want one, tell me, and I'll get one to you as soon as possible!
I have made my own button! That's right, I'm selling my own buttons! I made these through my tech center class, and we're selling them so our class has funds. I'm selling them for $ 1.50 each (although if you wish to pay me more, you are TOTALLY free to XD). If you want one, tell me, and I'll get one to you as soon as possible!
Friday, November 30, 2012
14 Days again....
Yeah...I kinda miscounted days...so NOW it's 14 Days left.
Anyways, today I am releasing another event for this year, and this has been something that has happened before. Can you guess what it is?

That's right, Pokemon Tournament 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We've done it before, and it's been great! This is who I believe will be participating this year
Rine (Katie)
For you guys, here is my list of rules:
1. These battles will ONLY take place in Black or White. You may play with each other in other pokemon games for fun, but the tournament stays in Black and White.
2. No ubers! However, there are exceptions to this rule. Some pokemon are in ubers due to specific movesets and such, and can possibly be allowed. If you wish to use one, talk to me, and if I find your excuse reasonable enough, I may accept it.
3. No items. Healing and stat items that is. Equips are fine, but the item launcher is STRICTLY off limits. If used AT ALL, the user will have forfeited the match. I know this may sound strict, but a single item can easily change the tide of battle, so I will not allow them. Any equipable items are fine though, just no launcher.
4. 6 on 6 only. The matches will be all be 6 on 6, Singles.
And that's all of the rules for now! Make sure to prepare, because I want this to be the best tournament yet!!!
Anyways, today I am releasing another event for this year, and this has been something that has happened before. Can you guess what it is?
That's right, Pokemon Tournament 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We've done it before, and it's been great! This is who I believe will be participating this year
Rine (Katie)
For you guys, here is my list of rules:
1. These battles will ONLY take place in Black or White. You may play with each other in other pokemon games for fun, but the tournament stays in Black and White.
2. No ubers! However, there are exceptions to this rule. Some pokemon are in ubers due to specific movesets and such, and can possibly be allowed. If you wish to use one, talk to me, and if I find your excuse reasonable enough, I may accept it.
3. No items. Healing and stat items that is. Equips are fine, but the item launcher is STRICTLY off limits. If used AT ALL, the user will have forfeited the match. I know this may sound strict, but a single item can easily change the tide of battle, so I will not allow them. Any equipable items are fine though, just no launcher.
4. 6 on 6 only. The matches will be all be 6 on 6, Singles.
And that's all of the rules for now! Make sure to prepare, because I want this to be the best tournament yet!!!
Thursday, November 29, 2012
14 Days!!!!
14 Days left, and today I'm reviewing a game that most of you probably want reviewed...Black and White 2!
This game was something that Pokemon had never tried to to before...make a direct sequel. Everyone was expecting "Grey", a mix of the first two games just like every generation previous. However, they decided to do something different this time. They made a direct sequel, containing elements from the previous game, but beginning an entirely new story.
The question is...is it good? Many found Pokemon Black and White to be quite disappointing, some even selling the game. Therefore, many have wondered if such a sequel would actually be good, or an absolute failure.
I'm just going to be blunt here...
You heard me correctly...I will say right now out front that it DESERVES to be bought. It exceeded expectations, and would not at all what I was expecting.
So here's how we're going to review this game. Since the only ones who care are the ones who bought the original, this review will not cover all of the different aspects I generally cover, but what is different from the previous game, both negative and positive. Here we go!
First, let's take a look at what good things they took out of the game....none. You heard me right once again, none. Every location, every item, every fun thing about the first games were kept in this one. Now that we have that out of the way, let's go to the positive.
1. Storyline
This was what ticked most of the people off in the first game...the story was decent at best. So how did this game's story turn out? Well, I am happy to inform you that it turns out for the best. Team Plasma is at it again....and don't panic yet. It's Team Plasma....but not Team Plasma....from the first game that is. They're not just wearing different clothes...it's like fighting a different group entirely. Before, they were just misguided folks who were trying to liberate Pokemon...now they're a full scale criminal team. The story gets much more serious over all, and was much better than the previous game. \
2. Movies
Yes, you can create movies in this game. While personally, I don't find it all that great, it was fun, and since they didn't take anything out to put it in, it's all good in my book.
3. Places
They didn't take any places out, but they DID add more in. While they didn't add other regions, they increased the amount of locations you can go to, which is good. It makes the game last much longer, and keeps you interested.
4. Difficulty
Many found Black and White to be a little off balanced. You would fight low levels for most of the game besides trainers, and even they had problems. When you got to the Elite Four, you couldn't handle them because their levels are much higher than EVERYTHING you've previously fought! It was annoying...and they fixed that. While I can't say if it's harder or easier, they made it much more balanced. If you train enough, you'll never end up still being severely underleveled.
5. Join Avenue
This was a fun little activity they added to this game. Now, you can essentially make your own Pokemall. You open shops, change them, upgrade them, and all sorts of different things. It's fun, and it gives you more ways of getting useful items.
6. PWT
The Pokemon World Tournament is another fun little thing they added. It's kind of like their substitute for the Battle Factory. You can play multiple different modes, and fight gym leaders from different regions and such. It's a great way of going against gym leaders you thought to be really fun!
7. Shards
YES!!!!!!!! SHARDS!!!!!!!!! Shards were a method in Heartgold and Soulsilver where you could find a shard tutor to teach you many different moves. While back then, it didn't mean too much, it DOES for Black/White. Many good moves became only available through breeding, and some not really available at all. Now, you can learn all kinds of moves like Dark Pulse, Stealth Rock, and Outrage with ease! YES!
8. ?????
I've given you enough reasons, so I'm going to keep this one a secret. Trust me though...this is quite a bonus...
And there you have it folks! BUY IT!!!!
This game was something that Pokemon had never tried to to before...make a direct sequel. Everyone was expecting "Grey", a mix of the first two games just like every generation previous. However, they decided to do something different this time. They made a direct sequel, containing elements from the previous game, but beginning an entirely new story.
The question is...is it good? Many found Pokemon Black and White to be quite disappointing, some even selling the game. Therefore, many have wondered if such a sequel would actually be good, or an absolute failure.
I'm just going to be blunt here...
You heard me correctly...I will say right now out front that it DESERVES to be bought. It exceeded expectations, and would not at all what I was expecting.
So here's how we're going to review this game. Since the only ones who care are the ones who bought the original, this review will not cover all of the different aspects I generally cover, but what is different from the previous game, both negative and positive. Here we go!
First, let's take a look at what good things they took out of the game....none. You heard me right once again, none. Every location, every item, every fun thing about the first games were kept in this one. Now that we have that out of the way, let's go to the positive.
1. Storyline
This was what ticked most of the people off in the first game...the story was decent at best. So how did this game's story turn out? Well, I am happy to inform you that it turns out for the best. Team Plasma is at it again....and don't panic yet. It's Team Plasma....but not Team Plasma....from the first game that is. They're not just wearing different clothes...it's like fighting a different group entirely. Before, they were just misguided folks who were trying to liberate Pokemon...now they're a full scale criminal team. The story gets much more serious over all, and was much better than the previous game. \
2. Movies
Yes, you can create movies in this game. While personally, I don't find it all that great, it was fun, and since they didn't take anything out to put it in, it's all good in my book.
3. Places
They didn't take any places out, but they DID add more in. While they didn't add other regions, they increased the amount of locations you can go to, which is good. It makes the game last much longer, and keeps you interested.
4. Difficulty
Many found Black and White to be a little off balanced. You would fight low levels for most of the game besides trainers, and even they had problems. When you got to the Elite Four, you couldn't handle them because their levels are much higher than EVERYTHING you've previously fought! It was annoying...and they fixed that. While I can't say if it's harder or easier, they made it much more balanced. If you train enough, you'll never end up still being severely underleveled.
5. Join Avenue
This was a fun little activity they added to this game. Now, you can essentially make your own Pokemall. You open shops, change them, upgrade them, and all sorts of different things. It's fun, and it gives you more ways of getting useful items.
6. PWT
The Pokemon World Tournament is another fun little thing they added. It's kind of like their substitute for the Battle Factory. You can play multiple different modes, and fight gym leaders from different regions and such. It's a great way of going against gym leaders you thought to be really fun!
7. Shards
YES!!!!!!!! SHARDS!!!!!!!!! Shards were a method in Heartgold and Soulsilver where you could find a shard tutor to teach you many different moves. While back then, it didn't mean too much, it DOES for Black/White. Many good moves became only available through breeding, and some not really available at all. Now, you can learn all kinds of moves like Dark Pulse, Stealth Rock, and Outrage with ease! YES!
8. ?????
I've given you enough reasons, so I'm going to keep this one a secret. Trust me though...this is quite a bonus...
And there you have it folks! BUY IT!!!!
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
15 DAYS!!!!
15 Days until the event, and today I am releasing an event possibility for the party.

Wait....is that....

No...you can't mean...


Wait....is that....
No...you can't mean...
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
16 Days!!!!
Alright, so it's 16 days until the party, so I guess I should make every waiting day better for you. So here's a couple things that I may possibly do in the future posts:
A review of Pokemon: Black and White 2
An Update to the Disgaea storyline
Events and tournaments at the party
Written stories
Mostly random crap that most of you will look at, shake your heads, and then cause you to hate me for the rest of your lives.
Note that this is not all for sure (besides the last part), but we'll see just what all I can do. See you tomorrow!
A review of Pokemon: Black and White 2
An Update to the Disgaea storyline
Events and tournaments at the party
Written stories
Mostly random crap that most of you will look at, shake your heads, and then cause you to hate me for the rest of your lives.
Note that this is not all for sure (besides the last part), but we'll see just what all I can do. See you tomorrow!
Monday, November 26, 2012
Decembah 14
Hey guys, watsup?
Anyways, most of you know what's coming up soon...that's right, the Birthday Bash 2012!!!!!!!!!!!

Now some of you may not exactly know what I'm talking about. I've mentioned it to most of you, but who knows what creepers could possibly be on here. Let's start by answering some questions!
What inspired this?
This whole things started many years ago, when one day I decided to make my birthday extra special. I had always found birthdays to be an event of significant importance. It's a day spent to celebrate having gone through another year of excitement and fun, and for the possibilities of what could come next. I have always loved my birthday, and it's always been one of my favorite days of the year.
As I grew older however, something began to occur to me. I'm having so much fun...why do I have to be the only one? At the time, I had begun to make more and more friends, and was getting accustomed to hosting sleepovers, hangouts, and such. I figured, why not invite everyone I possibly could? So, with my parent's permission, I started something that would eventually become amazing.
The first parties were quite small, involving only about five people at most. However, as more and more friends were made, I kept inviting more and more. Eventually, 10 people became the minimum. Some would just hang out for awhile, some would sleep over, and it became a blast. And thus, my parties went from small get togethers, to what it is now.
What exactly is this event?
It's a party to some degree. I say that because the intent is simply to have fun, with no strings attached. Don't worry, there's no alcohol or drugs or anything...I would never do something like that. However, as mentioned before, they are filled with nothing but fun. Generally, there will be multiple different systems for use, from the newest of the new to the oldest of the old. As long as it's not overly sweary, gory, or such, it's TOTALLY cool.
As for those who aren't way too fond of video games, I have taken noticed to that too. Conversation is always welcome, and there generally are small fun events that you can participate in if you wish such as snowball fights, nerf gun wars, or small tournaments in certain different games.
There is always plenty of pizza and pop for you guys, and it's all expense free! That's right, free! My parents and I cover everything, so it's just take and enjoy! And don't even TRY to give donations...I will not accept them. This party is for you guys, and it's built for your maximum enjoyment.
Is There a Mission?
Yes, actually, as weird as this may seem, there is actually a mission with this whole "party" idea.
Fact is, the majority of my friends are outcasts. Some because of their brilliance, some because of their imaginations, some because of what they like, and even some for just being a good person. In the world we life in, discrimination is everywhere. It's very sad and unfortunate, but that is just how life is.
But that is part of what this party is for. It's not just a group hangout, but a gathering of those that have gone through similar experiences. It's so that you can play Pokemon without people making fun of you for it, where you can talk with others because they understand your pain, and where you can simply be yourself without any fear. Trust me, there are quite a few people who come that have gone through more severe things than I have even gone through. It's sad, but this is one of my ways of helping it.
Also, it's just a place of fun. No one's gonna tell you what to do, or how to do it. We do not speak of school, or work, or anything of the sort. It's a day where you can simply enjoy it without anything holding you back. No worries, no fears, just fun. It's something I feel is lacking these days, and it's something I believe to be very important.
Who is it For?
While these events used to be for my birthday, now they are just as much for you as they are for me. I do my best to make it a day where, as mentioned before, you just simply have fun. I am always willing to listen to ideas, personal opinions, and will always take any personal dislikes and standards in serious consideration. While it is my birthday party, I want you guys to have as much fun as I am.
Can I Come?
I would like to say yes to everyone, but unfortunately I am not the only one who is in control here. I do not own this house, so my parents have a final say in everything. If you want to come, and have not already been asked, talk to me, and I'll see what I can do. I will not promise success, but it is possible.
When and Where?
As I mentioned earlier, it's on December 14, and it's at my house. I will not give the address on here in case there ARE any creepers out there. The party starts at 5:00 PM, with a few possible exceptions, depending on how you're getting here. You can leave whenever you want, and if you want you might be able to sleep over...but you'll have to get through my parents first.
Anyways, it's less than 3 weeks away now, and soon I will be counting down the days on here. Have a good day!

Anyways, most of you know what's coming up soon...that's right, the Birthday Bash 2012!!!!!!!!!!!
Now some of you may not exactly know what I'm talking about. I've mentioned it to most of you, but who knows what creepers could possibly be on here. Let's start by answering some questions!
What inspired this?
This whole things started many years ago, when one day I decided to make my birthday extra special. I had always found birthdays to be an event of significant importance. It's a day spent to celebrate having gone through another year of excitement and fun, and for the possibilities of what could come next. I have always loved my birthday, and it's always been one of my favorite days of the year.
As I grew older however, something began to occur to me. I'm having so much fun...why do I have to be the only one? At the time, I had begun to make more and more friends, and was getting accustomed to hosting sleepovers, hangouts, and such. I figured, why not invite everyone I possibly could? So, with my parent's permission, I started something that would eventually become amazing.
The first parties were quite small, involving only about five people at most. However, as more and more friends were made, I kept inviting more and more. Eventually, 10 people became the minimum. Some would just hang out for awhile, some would sleep over, and it became a blast. And thus, my parties went from small get togethers, to what it is now.
What exactly is this event?
It's a party to some degree. I say that because the intent is simply to have fun, with no strings attached. Don't worry, there's no alcohol or drugs or anything...I would never do something like that. However, as mentioned before, they are filled with nothing but fun. Generally, there will be multiple different systems for use, from the newest of the new to the oldest of the old. As long as it's not overly sweary, gory, or such, it's TOTALLY cool.
As for those who aren't way too fond of video games, I have taken noticed to that too. Conversation is always welcome, and there generally are small fun events that you can participate in if you wish such as snowball fights, nerf gun wars, or small tournaments in certain different games.
There is always plenty of pizza and pop for you guys, and it's all expense free! That's right, free! My parents and I cover everything, so it's just take and enjoy! And don't even TRY to give donations...I will not accept them. This party is for you guys, and it's built for your maximum enjoyment.
Is There a Mission?
Yes, actually, as weird as this may seem, there is actually a mission with this whole "party" idea.
Fact is, the majority of my friends are outcasts. Some because of their brilliance, some because of their imaginations, some because of what they like, and even some for just being a good person. In the world we life in, discrimination is everywhere. It's very sad and unfortunate, but that is just how life is.
But that is part of what this party is for. It's not just a group hangout, but a gathering of those that have gone through similar experiences. It's so that you can play Pokemon without people making fun of you for it, where you can talk with others because they understand your pain, and where you can simply be yourself without any fear. Trust me, there are quite a few people who come that have gone through more severe things than I have even gone through. It's sad, but this is one of my ways of helping it.
Also, it's just a place of fun. No one's gonna tell you what to do, or how to do it. We do not speak of school, or work, or anything of the sort. It's a day where you can simply enjoy it without anything holding you back. No worries, no fears, just fun. It's something I feel is lacking these days, and it's something I believe to be very important.
Who is it For?
While these events used to be for my birthday, now they are just as much for you as they are for me. I do my best to make it a day where, as mentioned before, you just simply have fun. I am always willing to listen to ideas, personal opinions, and will always take any personal dislikes and standards in serious consideration. While it is my birthday party, I want you guys to have as much fun as I am.
Can I Come?
I would like to say yes to everyone, but unfortunately I am not the only one who is in control here. I do not own this house, so my parents have a final say in everything. If you want to come, and have not already been asked, talk to me, and I'll see what I can do. I will not promise success, but it is possible.
When and Where?
As I mentioned earlier, it's on December 14, and it's at my house. I will not give the address on here in case there ARE any creepers out there. The party starts at 5:00 PM, with a few possible exceptions, depending on how you're getting here. You can leave whenever you want, and if you want you might be able to sleep over...but you'll have to get through my parents first.
Anyways, it's less than 3 weeks away now, and soon I will be counting down the days on here. Have a good day!
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Today is Thanksgiving, the day where, as mentioned in the last post, we spend the day giving thanks for everything that we've been given. Generally for me, Thanksgiving has been a repeat holiday for me with not much significance. You give thanks for everything you've got, and then pig out. Every year it was the same. Family, friends, and food. I really didn't feel like I had anything special to give thanks for.
This year was different. It has been an absolutely crazy year, with lots of problems and depressing times, but lots of amazing things to go with it. This year, for the first time, I really felt like I actually had a lot to specifically give thanks for. People, specifically. Here, I will give thanks for all of you wonderful people in my life.
1. Game Night Group
You guys are hilarious. I have many different social groups, but NONE of them get as crazy, as socially awkward, or as absolutely funny as this group. Not one of us has a bit of sanity in us, and none of us want it either. Every time I see you guys is filled with laughter, laughter, and some more laughter. Also, there is no other social group I have where everyone is so different. Every single person in the group has a HUGE personality difference from the rest, besides the fact that we're all crazy. And yet, despite that, we all get along like best friends, and just simply have a good time. Thank you for bringing such joy to my evenings, and making board games enjoyable to me like never before.
2. Diamond Springs/DS Group
We became known as the DS group because every time we would meet, we would all end up playing video games together. Once, I was ashamed of that fact, and felt like a complete nerd. But now, I no longer feel that way. Now that we're older, work and school have taken huge priority, and the world doesn't seem to want us to have just pure fun anymore. This group stands in the way of that. When we meet, we don't have religious discussions, we don't have personal discussions, and we don't talk about our lives. We just sit down and have a good time. Now hanging out with you guys and just playing video games has become something I look forward to every week, where we just sit down and have fun, without any worries or care about the outside world. Thank you for bringing enormous amounts of fun into my life.
3. Church Group
I've hung out with you guys all of my life, and I don't regret any of it. You guys took me in and enjoyed my company despite the fact that I was an antisocial dork, and could never seem to be interested in your conversations. You all care for me deeply, and although I don't feel like I deserve it, I thank you for giving it too me anyways.
4. School Group (Katrina, Monica)
While I haven't seen either of you since last year, and our time together was brief, you both deserve a place here. You took the time to listen to my shenanigans, and to make sure I was feeling happy, and that, in my book, makes you deserve my service of protection. Thank you for spending time with me.
5. Clayton Group (Jesse, Kaitlyn)
While I haven't been able to get to know either of you really well yet, I have been able to figure out that both of you are awesome. Jesse, you are just plain awesome, thank you for being so awesome, and I look forward to getting to know you and your awesomeness more. Kaitlyn, you have my complete approval to be with Clayton, and I look forward to getting to you better as well. Look after my bro, okay?
6. Rob and Laura
Out of all the people in my life, few people have made such a drastic impact in my life as you two. Rob, you've always been my role model. You were always calm, happy, and took me in without any negative reaction. You always looked out for me, and never turned down my requests to hang out with you unless you had a logical reason. You did your best to make sure I was happy, even sometimes using your own money to do so. And Laura, when you married Rob, you did the same. You cared deeply for me, and was always willing to listen. Thank you, you both are absolutely amazing.
7. My family
My family is unbelievable awesome, and there are too many of you to list. You all have stuck with me through my life, supported me, and made sure that I went down the right paths. While I may seem to drift away from you guys through work, friends, and school, I still love you all. I couldn't have asked for a better family then the one I was given. Thank you for being the greatest family a boy could ever hope to have.
8. Brandon
Yes my friend, you deserve a spot to yourself. We both met each other though similar circumstances, with both of us being thrown out because we were different. And as time went along, we found more and more in common, and eventually became amazing friends. But what's unique about you is both your brilliance and your bluntness. You never hesitated to tell me when I was doing something wrong, and taught me more than most I know have. No one has influenced my strategic and logical approach to things more than you. You taught me to think things through, and to double check afterwards. And that's not all either. It was through you that I got to meet all of the awesome people at the game nights, and it was through you that I learned that board games could still be really fun and challenging. Thank you, and I hope that as time goes on, that I will learn much more from you.
9. Alex
Alex, you deserve a spot up here as well. You came into my life during the hard bullying years, and made my life fun. Most didn't like you because you were imaginative, loved having fun, and really didn't like to work. While for most, that would be a bad thing, but for me, I needed it. I needed someone to just have fun with, someone to create stories with and use my imagination, and you were that someone. You were part of what created my passion for video games, and part of what kept my love for creating things going. While many may think you're not worth much, in my eyes, you're a brilliant kid with much potential. Thank you for making my life fun.
10. Clayton
Clayton, my man, it's been a long time, hasn't it? From spies, to warriors, to policemen, to defenders...we've done it all. You, the courageous and strong one, me, the calm and smart one. Both of us were (and still are) stubborn beyond belief, with a will to never give up. Not just best friends, but the greatest of rivals. In video games, imaginative skill, card games, video games, girls, EVERYTHING. One of our greatest goals was to be better than the other in every way possible, and that still is somewhat how it is today. And yet despite being rivals, we also watched each other's back as well. You pushed me on socially and helped me gain a voice, while I calmed you down and kept you from rushing into things. Together we were unstoppable...NOTHING could stand in our way. We've been best buds for over 5 years now, and not much has changed. We're still rivals, we're still best friends, and we're still just as awesome together. Thank you for keeping me going socially, for always supporting me, and for trusting me enough to let me help in almost every circumstance. I look forward to what we will accomplish in the future.
11. Lauren
I apologize for using your name again, but I at least want it up here for tonight, because your real name deserves to be on here. We've only known each other for a short time, and already we've impacted each other in huge ways. You are a truly special woman, Lauren. You have an amazing love for God, are quite the bright person, and are absolutely beautiful. And yet you took the time to get to know me. And you didn't just get to know me...you broke records. NO woman has ever took so much of her time to know me. NO woman has cared so much about me that she will not allow me to say bad things about myself. NO woman has always told me to have a good day in the mornings. And not just that...out of ALL of the amazing guys in the world, out of every possible option, you chose me. Meeting you wasn't just an amazing experience...I feel much happier than I've felt in such a long time. There is no possible way I could ever thank you enough. The most I can offer is what I've offered everyone else that has taken the time to acknowledge me existence...my sword. Simply call upon me, and your will WILL be done. I will guard you through every hardship, and I will NEVER leave your side. I look forward to getting to know you more, to what fun we will have in the future, and to showing just how amazingly awesome you are to all of my other amazing friends. Thank you.
12. God
There really isn't a limit to what I could say about you, my father and friend. You've stuck with me through it all, and shown me to all of these amazing people. You've shown me miracles, given me my personality, and given me a caring heart, a wild imagination, and everlasting hope that all will eventually be good. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you...
This year was different. It has been an absolutely crazy year, with lots of problems and depressing times, but lots of amazing things to go with it. This year, for the first time, I really felt like I actually had a lot to specifically give thanks for. People, specifically. Here, I will give thanks for all of you wonderful people in my life.
1. Game Night Group
You guys are hilarious. I have many different social groups, but NONE of them get as crazy, as socially awkward, or as absolutely funny as this group. Not one of us has a bit of sanity in us, and none of us want it either. Every time I see you guys is filled with laughter, laughter, and some more laughter. Also, there is no other social group I have where everyone is so different. Every single person in the group has a HUGE personality difference from the rest, besides the fact that we're all crazy. And yet, despite that, we all get along like best friends, and just simply have a good time. Thank you for bringing such joy to my evenings, and making board games enjoyable to me like never before.
2. Diamond Springs/DS Group
We became known as the DS group because every time we would meet, we would all end up playing video games together. Once, I was ashamed of that fact, and felt like a complete nerd. But now, I no longer feel that way. Now that we're older, work and school have taken huge priority, and the world doesn't seem to want us to have just pure fun anymore. This group stands in the way of that. When we meet, we don't have religious discussions, we don't have personal discussions, and we don't talk about our lives. We just sit down and have a good time. Now hanging out with you guys and just playing video games has become something I look forward to every week, where we just sit down and have fun, without any worries or care about the outside world. Thank you for bringing enormous amounts of fun into my life.
3. Church Group
I've hung out with you guys all of my life, and I don't regret any of it. You guys took me in and enjoyed my company despite the fact that I was an antisocial dork, and could never seem to be interested in your conversations. You all care for me deeply, and although I don't feel like I deserve it, I thank you for giving it too me anyways.
4. School Group (Katrina, Monica)
While I haven't seen either of you since last year, and our time together was brief, you both deserve a place here. You took the time to listen to my shenanigans, and to make sure I was feeling happy, and that, in my book, makes you deserve my service of protection. Thank you for spending time with me.
5. Clayton Group (Jesse, Kaitlyn)
While I haven't been able to get to know either of you really well yet, I have been able to figure out that both of you are awesome. Jesse, you are just plain awesome, thank you for being so awesome, and I look forward to getting to know you and your awesomeness more. Kaitlyn, you have my complete approval to be with Clayton, and I look forward to getting to you better as well. Look after my bro, okay?
6. Rob and Laura
Out of all the people in my life, few people have made such a drastic impact in my life as you two. Rob, you've always been my role model. You were always calm, happy, and took me in without any negative reaction. You always looked out for me, and never turned down my requests to hang out with you unless you had a logical reason. You did your best to make sure I was happy, even sometimes using your own money to do so. And Laura, when you married Rob, you did the same. You cared deeply for me, and was always willing to listen. Thank you, you both are absolutely amazing.
7. My family
My family is unbelievable awesome, and there are too many of you to list. You all have stuck with me through my life, supported me, and made sure that I went down the right paths. While I may seem to drift away from you guys through work, friends, and school, I still love you all. I couldn't have asked for a better family then the one I was given. Thank you for being the greatest family a boy could ever hope to have.
8. Brandon
Yes my friend, you deserve a spot to yourself. We both met each other though similar circumstances, with both of us being thrown out because we were different. And as time went along, we found more and more in common, and eventually became amazing friends. But what's unique about you is both your brilliance and your bluntness. You never hesitated to tell me when I was doing something wrong, and taught me more than most I know have. No one has influenced my strategic and logical approach to things more than you. You taught me to think things through, and to double check afterwards. And that's not all either. It was through you that I got to meet all of the awesome people at the game nights, and it was through you that I learned that board games could still be really fun and challenging. Thank you, and I hope that as time goes on, that I will learn much more from you.
9. Alex
Alex, you deserve a spot up here as well. You came into my life during the hard bullying years, and made my life fun. Most didn't like you because you were imaginative, loved having fun, and really didn't like to work. While for most, that would be a bad thing, but for me, I needed it. I needed someone to just have fun with, someone to create stories with and use my imagination, and you were that someone. You were part of what created my passion for video games, and part of what kept my love for creating things going. While many may think you're not worth much, in my eyes, you're a brilliant kid with much potential. Thank you for making my life fun.
10. Clayton
Clayton, my man, it's been a long time, hasn't it? From spies, to warriors, to policemen, to defenders...we've done it all. You, the courageous and strong one, me, the calm and smart one. Both of us were (and still are) stubborn beyond belief, with a will to never give up. Not just best friends, but the greatest of rivals. In video games, imaginative skill, card games, video games, girls, EVERYTHING. One of our greatest goals was to be better than the other in every way possible, and that still is somewhat how it is today. And yet despite being rivals, we also watched each other's back as well. You pushed me on socially and helped me gain a voice, while I calmed you down and kept you from rushing into things. Together we were unstoppable...NOTHING could stand in our way. We've been best buds for over 5 years now, and not much has changed. We're still rivals, we're still best friends, and we're still just as awesome together. Thank you for keeping me going socially, for always supporting me, and for trusting me enough to let me help in almost every circumstance. I look forward to what we will accomplish in the future.
11. Lauren
I apologize for using your name again, but I at least want it up here for tonight, because your real name deserves to be on here. We've only known each other for a short time, and already we've impacted each other in huge ways. You are a truly special woman, Lauren. You have an amazing love for God, are quite the bright person, and are absolutely beautiful. And yet you took the time to get to know me. And you didn't just get to know me...you broke records. NO woman has ever took so much of her time to know me. NO woman has cared so much about me that she will not allow me to say bad things about myself. NO woman has always told me to have a good day in the mornings. And not just that...out of ALL of the amazing guys in the world, out of every possible option, you chose me. Meeting you wasn't just an amazing experience...I feel much happier than I've felt in such a long time. There is no possible way I could ever thank you enough. The most I can offer is what I've offered everyone else that has taken the time to acknowledge me existence...my sword. Simply call upon me, and your will WILL be done. I will guard you through every hardship, and I will NEVER leave your side. I look forward to getting to know you more, to what fun we will have in the future, and to showing just how amazingly awesome you are to all of my other amazing friends. Thank you.
12. God
There really isn't a limit to what I could say about you, my father and friend. You've stuck with me through it all, and shown me to all of these amazing people. You've shown me miracles, given me my personality, and given me a caring heart, a wild imagination, and everlasting hope that all will eventually be good. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you...
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Thanksgiving's Eve
Okay, so tomorrow is the day known as Thanksgiving, where we give thanks for the things we have and enjoy them. Unfortunately...that means a whole day without bashing anything, or complaining about anything, or ranting about anything! So, similar to the idea of Lent, when people would pig out on food quickly beforehand, and then starve themselves for a time, since we lose an entire day to bashing, Thanksgiving's Eve is an ENTIRE day of being grumpy, and complaining about anything and everything. HAPPY THANKSGIVING'S EVE!!!
So, what should I rant about? Well, there's something media related that's been on my mind for quite a while...and it's a complaint fitting to me. What will I be bashing? Simply, bad video game sequals.
Most of you probably know what I'm talking about. You hear about a new game from one of your favorite video game series is coming out, and you get all excited! Finally, another Halo game, or another Assassin's Creed! The results are generally about 50/50. Half of the time, it's just as good, or even sometimes better than the previous game. And the other half? That is composed of sucky games that should never have even been attempted.
Now I'm not bashing every game that has been rejected by fans in the past. Indeed, I've played some hated games, and actually quite liked them. The rant isn't about those...it's about a large portion of those. Not games that the fans didn't like because they tried something new or creative...games that sucked because absolutely NO effort was put into them.
As for the creative games, let's suggest Star Fox Adventures, for example. No one liked that game, but it wasn't because it was terribly done. You could tell effort was put into it, and they tried to make the new concept of wielding guns as fun as possible...it just didn't fly with the fans. The fans just wanted to grab a gun, and shoot things. While I agree with the fans, and I prefer shooting ones much better, I didn't hate that game. As I said, they showed effort, so at least they were trying.
Okay...so what do I hate then? Well, let's use Modern Warfare 3 as an example. This is one of the games that isn't too upsetting to play, but it bothers me a little. Why? Because the company had the capabilities to do SO MUCH BETTER!!!
Call of Duty is one of the most popular gaming series out there right now...they have LOTS and LOTS of money. So therefore, you would expect that they would use that to make really good games, that would in fact, make more of it. Well, that wasn't the case. Modern Warfare 3 was essentially NO different from the previous game, Black Ops 2. The gameplay was the same, the story was just as unimportant, annoying players were still online...THERE WAS NO DIFFERENCE!!!!
When I look at a game like that, I see a complete lack of effort, which REALLY downs my opinion on those gaming companies. When you run a gaming company, I find it important to feel passionate about your work. For example, for their 25th Anniversary, the makers of Legend of Zelda released Skyward Sword, the next big game of the franchise...and it ROCKED THE WORLD. The graphics were an improvement, the characters were full of personality, the music was fantastic, the gameplay unique and phenominal...oh...it was fantastic.
Fact is, while playing, you could TELL they cared about what they did. You could tell, they worked their backs off for that game. Not just so that they could make money, but so they could make this 25th Anniversary as memorable as possible. That, in my eyes, is the mark of a true gaming company.
So when Call of Duty does something like that...it just really bothers me. They have the money to do it. They HAVE the capabilities to make something absolutely outstanding. And what do they do? NOTHING! They just release the previous game under a different name just to make some more bucks. I find it hard to imagine those people working hard on that game, trying to do their best to make it an experience. It looks to me like a bunch of greedy bastards who just want to rip people off.
I could be wrong about this. I've been wrong before, and I certainly could be wrong again. But I just can't help but feel upset when a gaming company that could create so much does so little for money's sake. That is greed, and nothing else. HAPPY THANKSGIVING'S EVE!!!!
So, what should I rant about? Well, there's something media related that's been on my mind for quite a while...and it's a complaint fitting to me. What will I be bashing? Simply, bad video game sequals.
Most of you probably know what I'm talking about. You hear about a new game from one of your favorite video game series is coming out, and you get all excited! Finally, another Halo game, or another Assassin's Creed! The results are generally about 50/50. Half of the time, it's just as good, or even sometimes better than the previous game. And the other half? That is composed of sucky games that should never have even been attempted.
Now I'm not bashing every game that has been rejected by fans in the past. Indeed, I've played some hated games, and actually quite liked them. The rant isn't about those...it's about a large portion of those. Not games that the fans didn't like because they tried something new or creative...games that sucked because absolutely NO effort was put into them.
As for the creative games, let's suggest Star Fox Adventures, for example. No one liked that game, but it wasn't because it was terribly done. You could tell effort was put into it, and they tried to make the new concept of wielding guns as fun as possible...it just didn't fly with the fans. The fans just wanted to grab a gun, and shoot things. While I agree with the fans, and I prefer shooting ones much better, I didn't hate that game. As I said, they showed effort, so at least they were trying.
Okay...so what do I hate then? Well, let's use Modern Warfare 3 as an example. This is one of the games that isn't too upsetting to play, but it bothers me a little. Why? Because the company had the capabilities to do SO MUCH BETTER!!!
Call of Duty is one of the most popular gaming series out there right now...they have LOTS and LOTS of money. So therefore, you would expect that they would use that to make really good games, that would in fact, make more of it. Well, that wasn't the case. Modern Warfare 3 was essentially NO different from the previous game, Black Ops 2. The gameplay was the same, the story was just as unimportant, annoying players were still online...THERE WAS NO DIFFERENCE!!!!
When I look at a game like that, I see a complete lack of effort, which REALLY downs my opinion on those gaming companies. When you run a gaming company, I find it important to feel passionate about your work. For example, for their 25th Anniversary, the makers of Legend of Zelda released Skyward Sword, the next big game of the franchise...and it ROCKED THE WORLD. The graphics were an improvement, the characters were full of personality, the music was fantastic, the gameplay unique and phenominal...oh...it was fantastic.
Fact is, while playing, you could TELL they cared about what they did. You could tell, they worked their backs off for that game. Not just so that they could make money, but so they could make this 25th Anniversary as memorable as possible. That, in my eyes, is the mark of a true gaming company.
So when Call of Duty does something like that...it just really bothers me. They have the money to do it. They HAVE the capabilities to make something absolutely outstanding. And what do they do? NOTHING! They just release the previous game under a different name just to make some more bucks. I find it hard to imagine those people working hard on that game, trying to do their best to make it an experience. It looks to me like a bunch of greedy bastards who just want to rip people off.
I could be wrong about this. I've been wrong before, and I certainly could be wrong again. But I just can't help but feel upset when a gaming company that could create so much does so little for money's sake. That is greed, and nothing else. HAPPY THANKSGIVING'S EVE!!!!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Okay, so this probably should have been posted a while ago, but I kinda held back because I wasn't sure if the word should be spread yet. But by now, some of you (okay, MOST of you) have already heard about this "lady", so I guess it's kinda pointless hiding it back by this point.
Yes, I am in love with a girl, but before you start interrogating me about every single thing you possibly can, I'll give as much information as I can right off the bat. Her name is Ellie (which you PROBABLY figured out from the title), and she about 15 years old. Yes, she IS a little younger than me, but I don't care, and I doubt any of you do either.

Here's a picture of her I found (okay, stole...), so I don't have to spend three years attempting to describe her.
As for her personality, she is AMAZING similar to me. We both dislike the winter, both love God, both enjoy reading, both enjoy writing, and much more. But we're not just similar in what we like, we're similar in personality as well. Allow me to give you an example. We generally will have 30 minute to an hour conversations in which ALL we do is have a humble fight. In other words, we both spend that entire time trying to prove that the other is better than ourselves. With the exact same stubborn attitude of both sides (it's hilarious, I should post one of them sometime).
We also both apologize too much, we both are shy around those we don't know and can't shut up around those we do, we both can go crazy, we both are imaginative, and the list goes on and on and on. However, we do have one difference, and this may surprise ALL of you. Video games. Yup, you heard me right. Ellie has only TOUCHED a video game once, let alone played one.
Now before you all freak out and wonder how on earth this is possible, let me explain. This does not mean she does not LIKE them, it just means she doesn't know much about them. She has nothing against them, she just hasn't played them. Which is good for her, because she has the PERFECT video game teacher...ME! So don't worry, we'll educate her properly, and soon she'll be able to list her favorite Pokemon, what her favorite class is in Fire Emblem, and say whether or not she thinks Sonic is better than Shadow. Unfortunately, this means she has the right to force me to learn dancing...I'll warn you guys ahead of time so you can quickly move to Canada beforehand.
If you wish to derive your own opinion of her and stalk her, here are her two blogs. http://followuncertain.wordpress.com/ is her own personal blog, and http://whisperquietly.wordpress.com/ is a duo blog between her and her friend. So yeah, everyone who actually reads the crap I post, go bookmark her pages or something and give her 1 million fans or something. Make her feel awesome. She WILL be coming to my Birthday party on December 14, so if you wanna meet her in person, that's the time to do it.
So yeah, she's absolutely wonderful, and I can't wait for you all to meet her :) .
(P.S. Ellie is not her actual name, but she doesn't want her name on for security reason, which shouldn't be a problem, since most of you know it already XD)
Yes, I am in love with a girl, but before you start interrogating me about every single thing you possibly can, I'll give as much information as I can right off the bat. Her name is Ellie (which you PROBABLY figured out from the title), and she about 15 years old. Yes, she IS a little younger than me, but I don't care, and I doubt any of you do either.

Here's a picture of her I found (okay, stole...), so I don't have to spend three years attempting to describe her.
As for her personality, she is AMAZING similar to me. We both dislike the winter, both love God, both enjoy reading, both enjoy writing, and much more. But we're not just similar in what we like, we're similar in personality as well. Allow me to give you an example. We generally will have 30 minute to an hour conversations in which ALL we do is have a humble fight. In other words, we both spend that entire time trying to prove that the other is better than ourselves. With the exact same stubborn attitude of both sides (it's hilarious, I should post one of them sometime).
We also both apologize too much, we both are shy around those we don't know and can't shut up around those we do, we both can go crazy, we both are imaginative, and the list goes on and on and on. However, we do have one difference, and this may surprise ALL of you. Video games. Yup, you heard me right. Ellie has only TOUCHED a video game once, let alone played one.
Now before you all freak out and wonder how on earth this is possible, let me explain. This does not mean she does not LIKE them, it just means she doesn't know much about them. She has nothing against them, she just hasn't played them. Which is good for her, because she has the PERFECT video game teacher...ME! So don't worry, we'll educate her properly, and soon she'll be able to list her favorite Pokemon, what her favorite class is in Fire Emblem, and say whether or not she thinks Sonic is better than Shadow. Unfortunately, this means she has the right to force me to learn dancing...I'll warn you guys ahead of time so you can quickly move to Canada beforehand.
If you wish to derive your own opinion of her and stalk her, here are her two blogs. http://followuncertain.wordpress.com/ is her own personal blog, and http://whisperquietly.wordpress.com/ is a duo blog between her and her friend. So yeah, everyone who actually reads the crap I post, go bookmark her pages or something and give her 1 million fans or something. Make her feel awesome. She WILL be coming to my Birthday party on December 14, so if you wanna meet her in person, that's the time to do it.
So yeah, she's absolutely wonderful, and I can't wait for you all to meet her :) .
(P.S. Ellie is not her actual name, but she doesn't want her name on for security reason, which shouldn't be a problem, since most of you know it already XD)
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Disgaea Update
Okay, so I have gotten some requests to give an update on the whole "Disgaea" thing, so here it is.
My hope is to get Disgaea 2 at some point, but there's a problem. Y'see, I either get it for the Playstation 2, which I can only play downstairs, meaning I don't have unlimited time, or for the PSP, which I don't own nor have the money for. So honestly, I don't know how I'm going to get it yet. Because of all honesty, I REALLY want it. It looks MUCH better than the first one, especially the class choices. So yes, I am basing this story off of a game I don't own. I do know the series decently enough from the first game though, and have learned a bit about the second game, so I'm not straying far. Anyways, here's the update!
Team Composed of Still Quite Pissed Members
Mike (Sinner)

Mike hasn't changed a bit since we last met him. Still angry and still insanely powerful. Desiring to relieve himself of his anger, he took on Darthvoid Castle without any help whatsoever, and killed everything inside, and found his girl in tact. Of course, Mike is not done yet. NO ONE messes with Mike and gets away with it, and he continues to chase down the ones who ambushed his girl...with his minions in tow of course.
Brea (Warrior)

Before, no one was as mad as Brenn was. Now, he has competition. Brea is mad at many things. She was mad enough that she was stuck in a party with her rival and a bossy woman. Then she was ambushed, thrown in a dungeon cell, and nearly starved to death. Yeah...she's not happy. What makes her MOST upset though is the fact that she was rescued, despite being her man. There are very few things that Mike is actually afraid of...and she is one of them.
Enath (Ninja)

There's really nothing to say about Enath. Still nonchalant, still just tagging along because he feels like it, and still wonders how in the Netherworld he is related to Aaron. Not that he spends much time worrying about it, of course.
Aaron (Samurai)

Aaron had it bad before, and now it's even worse. Before, he just had Enath and Mike bossing him around. Now he has a female who is not only mad, but was a torture master as well. Things just don't seem to be going well for him, do they?
Brenn and Claud

Yup...they're gone again. How a Heavy Knight can disappear so quickly, no one knows, but both of them are gone. All Aaron knows is that before Mike went on his rampage they were there, and then afterwards they weren't. Not that Mike was surprised. While Brenn IS loyal to him, he's more loyal to Claud, and Claud is not loyal whatsoever. If Claud gave Brenn a good reason that seemed better than hanging around, he would leave. Chances are, they're obliterating as a team...with Brenn as the Physical meatshield, taking the hits and distracting the enemy, and Claud picking the enemy off from a distance. Thankfully, they've never teamed up on Mike before...they could possibly become an actual threat.
My hope is to get Disgaea 2 at some point, but there's a problem. Y'see, I either get it for the Playstation 2, which I can only play downstairs, meaning I don't have unlimited time, or for the PSP, which I don't own nor have the money for. So honestly, I don't know how I'm going to get it yet. Because of all honesty, I REALLY want it. It looks MUCH better than the first one, especially the class choices. So yes, I am basing this story off of a game I don't own. I do know the series decently enough from the first game though, and have learned a bit about the second game, so I'm not straying far. Anyways, here's the update!
Team Composed of Still Quite Pissed Members
Mike (Sinner)
Mike hasn't changed a bit since we last met him. Still angry and still insanely powerful. Desiring to relieve himself of his anger, he took on Darthvoid Castle without any help whatsoever, and killed everything inside, and found his girl in tact. Of course, Mike is not done yet. NO ONE messes with Mike and gets away with it, and he continues to chase down the ones who ambushed his girl...with his minions in tow of course.
Brea (Warrior)
Before, no one was as mad as Brenn was. Now, he has competition. Brea is mad at many things. She was mad enough that she was stuck in a party with her rival and a bossy woman. Then she was ambushed, thrown in a dungeon cell, and nearly starved to death. Yeah...she's not happy. What makes her MOST upset though is the fact that she was rescued, despite being her man. There are very few things that Mike is actually afraid of...and she is one of them.
Enath (Ninja)
There's really nothing to say about Enath. Still nonchalant, still just tagging along because he feels like it, and still wonders how in the Netherworld he is related to Aaron. Not that he spends much time worrying about it, of course.
Aaron (Samurai)
Aaron had it bad before, and now it's even worse. Before, he just had Enath and Mike bossing him around. Now he has a female who is not only mad, but was a torture master as well. Things just don't seem to be going well for him, do they?
Brenn and Claud
Yup...they're gone again. How a Heavy Knight can disappear so quickly, no one knows, but both of them are gone. All Aaron knows is that before Mike went on his rampage they were there, and then afterwards they weren't. Not that Mike was surprised. While Brenn IS loyal to him, he's more loyal to Claud, and Claud is not loyal whatsoever. If Claud gave Brenn a good reason that seemed better than hanging around, he would leave. Chances are, they're obliterating as a team...with Brenn as the Physical meatshield, taking the hits and distracting the enemy, and Claud picking the enemy off from a distance. Thankfully, they've never teamed up on Mike before...they could possibly become an actual threat.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Okay, so apparently I am now in an organization bent on taking over the world. The great and almighty Vae Victis has graciously allowed me to join in on his conquest. I cannot give out all the full details, as in the other members or anything, because, well...we ARE bent on taking over the world after all. All I can say is that I am in the 4th chair at the council table, and am the owner of the R+D division (Research + Development). I also have a longsword, and the ability to use light magic...me muy gusta :D
Monday, October 29, 2012
You guys wanted to see a drawing, well here's one of a character I just made today. If you want to know more details about him, ask me, and I'll tell you.
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