Monday, November 3, 2014

What to Write?

Hey everybody!

So, first off, I want to mention my good buddy Aaron who is now starting his own blog at .  If the lack of correct spelling offends you, he is planning on working on it, so hopefully he'll pay more attention to that in the future.  I'm looking forward to it, honestly.

Anywho, there's been something on my mind lately that I want to bring to you guys.  As I'm sure you guys have noticed that I haven't been very active in terms of writing stories lately, and may be wondering why.

Well, beyond how hectic life is, the honest answer is that none of my current stories are really meaning that much to me right now.  Ace Attorney is REALLY hard to write as it takes so much thought to do it, and while I do enjoy writing Edge of the Empire, Star Wars really isn't much of my thing.  I'm a fantasy guy, not a sci-fi guy.

So, after thinking about it for awhile, I thought of something, and it involves you guys.  I'm interested in seeing what kind of story you want me to write, and what you want me to base it off of!  I'm open to writing fanfiction on all different kinds of media, and even if I don't understand it much, I'm open to looking into whatever it is further.  I'm also open to the concept of trying to come up with something completely original as well, if you guys would prefer that.  If anything comes to mind, please let me know in a message or in the comments below!


  1. Ide like to start typing something again. I've been thinking about having a story where my character is a shape-shifter, but I'm still unsure of a main plot. I'm open to writing one together, and if u want my cosen could join in.

  2. That is a good question... unfortunately I can't really give a good answer. Ask me again in person and I'll see what I can turn up in my mind in the mean time

  3. I have no suggestions on subject parameters, but if you have a hard time choosing between a couple of them, try this:

    Write about something that is not possible to describe without naming it. It will bore and confound you. While doing this, since you are writing, you'll start to think more about what you want to write than what you are writing.

    At least that's how it works for me. :P
