Sunday, July 27, 2014

Study of Disgaea: Your Choice!


Oh....*ahem*, excuse me.

So, as I mentioned before, part of the reason I did this study was so you guys could pick your own classes.  Well, here we are!  My good friend Vae Victis is already making a Disgaea story while I am certainly considering one, so the sooner you get back to me, the better.  Some class choices were either obvious or I've already received answers about, but the rest I need your feedback on.

Group A- Overlord Vae Victis

Vae Victis- 

Group B- The 40th Defender of Earth

Ethan, 40th Defender of Earth 
Alex- Dragon

Group C- Demon Rebellion

Jenna- Thief
Aaron- Prinny

Group D- Rival Shyruni


Group E- Wandering Units



More characters can be added, and class choices can be changed if desired.  Note that Ethan is only a special class due to being the 40th Defender of Earth.  The list will be edited as more results come in.  Please respond sooner than later!


  1. Is this including from both disgaeas or just one of them?

  2. Both Disgaea's. Pretty much anything I listed in the two Disgaea Study posts I made, one for demon classes and one for monsters. I didn't post human or angel classes because each race only had one class (EDF and Celestial Host), and I didn't figure anyone wanted to be them.

  3. Healer --> Mystic Beast. Healing would be nice to have earlier on. Mystic Beast in the end, since healer classes are too OP in terms of combat power, but the spells are helpful anywhere HIT exists.
